Chapter 1: Meeting @2am

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'Gosh, I can't believe I'm coming back here...' I thought to myself, sneaking into the Soul Society trying to not get caught. I soon look up at the clock by the 4th Division and it reads 1:30am, so I get on my feet and began to try walking without making any noise. "I hope no one catches me... it's kinda scary being here in the dark.." I say to myself trying to find the 12th Division.


It's finally 2am and I had reached the 12th Division. I quietly walked inside and then I saw the Captain sleeping on the couch. I slowly walked over to him and I gently shook his shoulder.

"Jushiro? Jushiro Ukitake?" He moves, but not too much so I shook him a bit harder. "Captain, it's me.. I snuck here and I need you to wake up.." I was trying to whisper as careful as I possibly could and he slowly began to open up his eyes.

"..uh..erm....whaa..t?" Jushiro slightly moved his head towards mine since I was on my knees by the couch facing him.

"Its me, don't you remember? Asuna Amaya?" I said trying to be quiet. His eyes shot open and automatically sat up.

"Asuna-san?? Is it really you??" I sat up on his couch and nodded. "I thought you weren't coming here anymore because of the accidents..." I looked down into my lap.

"I know..but I was having a hard life in the World of the Living... I had to come back, but I snuck myself here because I'm not allowed here, I got banished remember?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes I do remember, but why so late? It's almost 2:30 in the morning..?" I kept my face down in my lap.

"I know Jushiro, and I'm really sorry for coming here and waking you up...but this is the only time of day I could sneak in without any problems..." My eyes started to tear up because of how bad I felt. Jushiro caught my expression and he put one of his arms around me.

"Hey now Asuna-san, don't cry... I know you dont like crying and it hurts my heart because you're a beautiful young girl..." He started to rub his hand on my back trying to make me feel better.

"I'm...sorry..I just...feel bad for up.." I said sniffling.


It kills me seeing her cry because I liked her alot since he first came in the Soul Society but I was crushed when she got kicked out. I never knew why she got banished, but a part of me doesn't want to.

"Asuna-san, if you dont mind..." I wrap her in my arms and I run my fingers through her long hair. "Can you please tell me why you got banished?"

She became calm and majority of her tears went away, which I was really happy about. "Well.." she began, "I made some close friends when I got here, and some of them only wanted me for sexual intercourse..." The moment she said those last 2 words, my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. "Captain Byakuya Kuchiki really liked me, but I didn't like him back, and he kept a promise to his dead parents that he wouldn't marry or fall in love or anything with another woman because of Hisana. So his lieutenant, Renji Abarai told me that Byakuya needed to see me. I went over there to his office and he raped me... After Byakuya, it was Renji, Shuhei, Ikkaku, and Kenpachi.... They all tried to take advantage of me, and they all knew that I only loved one Soul Reaper, but none of them know who this particular one is..." Asuna began crying again, trying to finish her reasoning. "But I got kicked out because I almost killed all of them with my shikai... my shikai is so's not even at Bankai level... But why rape and beat me? What did I ever do...? Because of these feelings growing into my stomach makes me not wanna live anymore..." After that statement, she was bawling in my tight grasp. She was also hugging me back in a really tight grip.

"Asuna-san.." I whispered. "Everything's gonna be ok now, you're gonna be protected by me..." I felt so sorry for her and there's no way I could let her go. "I do have one question for you though, Asuna-san."

She looked up at me with a soaked face from her tears. "Whaa..what is it..?"

I put on a small smile, hoping she would smile back, but that didn't necessarily happen. "Do you still love this Soul Reaper and may I ask who this individual one is?"


ALRIGHT!! First chapter is done, and the next chapter will start with Asuna Amaya's POV!! Thanks alot for reading!! ♡

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