Chapter 2: Lost Love

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I blush when Jushiro asked me who I loved. I honestly was really scared to tell him because what if he doesn't love me back?!?!? 'Oh no... this is bad, maybe I could tell him the personality and he'll have a hard time trying to guess!!' I thought to myself.

"Is it ok if I can just explain the personality of this certain Soul Reaper...?" I ask him cleaning up my tears. Jushiro looked at me with a small, gentle smile.

"Sure, Asuna-san" He said sweetly. I took a breath and began.

"Well, he's really nice, cute, handsome, very responsible and with always be there when you need him to be, he's always there to listen to what you have to say, respectful and sweet, and other things like that. He's also a Captain, a very strong one at that." I place a faint smile on my face just hoping he doesn't guess that it's him.

He smiled back at me and said, "I think I know who your talking about, but let's get some rest. I'll tell you who I think it is when we wake up, is that ok?" I blushed as he got up from his couch and pointed to his bedroom door.

"Yes, of course Jushiro. But question..." He looked over at me worried. "Where am I going to sleep?"

Jushiro laughed a bit. "In my bed with me, silly." He was only a friend to me, and a major crush, so I really hope it doesn't get awkward, especially since he's my ONLY friend and crush. "Come on over, ok? And plus you can't be seen because you're not originally suppose to be here." He said smiling over his shoulder with his eyes closed.

'Dammit, he's so cute when he smiles like that!!!' I gave him a bigger smile back and I got up. We walked into his room and it was absolutely stunning. There was cherry blossom wallpaper with a window that had cherry tree curtains. His bed was a king size with light pink sheets and a magenta blanket. His carpet was a beautiful shade of blue and same with his ceiling.

"Wow, Jushiro. You're room is so pretty, I love it!!" I said happily being as quiet as I can. He just got underneath his covers and patted the other side of his bed.

"Come on in, I promise I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable." I trusted Jushiro, so I listened to him and I got in the bed with him and we dozed off round 3am.


I wake up around 10:30am seeing Jushiro in the bed with me but not cuddling or being close, just on each other's side of the bed.

"Good morning Asuna-san." Jushiro said with a big smile. I smiled back at him.

"Morning to you too Jushiro. What you got going on today?" He shook his head no.

"Nothing today. I finished up my paperwork late last night before you came and I dozed off. Therefore, I don't really wanna do anything today." I was kinda shocked that he didn't want to do anything.

"But why not? Why not go out in the cherry blossom woods? Or by the pond?" We both sat up with our laps underneath the blanket.

"Well, you gotta be hidden so you don't get hurt or banished again. Also, my lieutenant is out in Karakura Town with my 3rd and 4th seats. They have a mission to withhold and they won't be back until the end of this week." Jushiro explained, which brought a small frown upon my face.

"But today is Thursday.. that means there's only 2 days til your squad comes back am I right?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yes you are Asuna-san, but I'd rather be here with you instead of being anywhere else." My face flushed and I looked down trying to hide the redness with my hair. "And plus I have an answer for the personality of your secret crush from earlier this morning." My face got so much redder.

"A..and who's that..? I stuttered, I hate stuttering too and it kinda gave it away.

"I have a feeling that I'm your crush." I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was lightly blushing. "But there's something I think I should tell you as well Asuna-san..."

His face got more red when I perked my head up. "And what is that?" I was still blushing, but not as much.

"Well, you see... I think I love you aswell.." my eyes shot open.


I finally told her, but I really hope she likes me too because she's absolutely beautiful. When I notice her eyes open all the way, she looked up.

"B..but why me..?" She asked with a funny red face.

"Asuna-san, you're really pretty and such a nice young lady. You're a fun person to be with, and I don't even want to know what got into those other Soul Reaper's minds because you don't deserve to be hurt at all, you deserve the best... but I have a doubting feeling that you don't even want to gimme a chance.. but I would understand why you wouldn't because of your past here." My smile turned into a frown, then I felt her hands on mine. Her warm hands warming me up felt amazing, like the summer sun.

"Jushiro.. you are right.." I look up at her confused. "I do love you... and I had to come back here for you.." her words sounded like she was going to fall apart again, so I didn't let that happen. I took my hands and I lifted her face up only inches away from mine.



I kissed her sweet lips not parting away from her, the moment was perfect. After a couple seconds, she looked at me shocked.


So Jushiro just kissed me. I'm really shocked and a knot of butterflies were dancing in my stomach.

"Asuna-san?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Jushiro.. why'd you kiss me..?" I asked him.

Jushiro changed his frown to a big smile. "Because I had a feeling you were gonna break down, and I'm not going to let that happen. But, do you want to go out with me and start a new life with me..?" He said blushing more.

"Of course I will!!" I hugged him tightly and I gave him a kiss myself. He kissed back and the kiss felt so perfect, passionate, and amazing. I actually felt love, and I'm glad it's with the man I've wanted in my life for so long.

"I love you Asuna Amaya." He told me with his nose brushing against mine.

I smiled. "I love you too Jushiro Ukitake." I then gave him a small peck on his nose.


THE END!! cx

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