Chapter 3

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It was getting rather late now. I had spent a good 4 to 5 hours out here letting of steam. But I was calm now. A cool breeze swept through the forest and tickled my face and body the smell of fresh pine and the soothing gush of the river, all contributed to my now relaxed and happy mood. I was in pure bliss. I reluctantly stood, and wiped of some dirt that clung to the backside of my jeans. With one last glorious breath in, I started to make my way back to the pack house. I took my time so I could indulge in my surroundings, as the the last bit of sunlight that peeked through the trees grazed skin.

I walked into the pack house through the front door. The pleasant smell of a roasted something hit me, I had realised I was hungry, very hungry. I quickened my pace and headed towards the kitchen. "Pip! You finally decided to join us, are you alright? What happened?" Jarod spoke sounding genuinely happy. "I just needed to let of some steam, that's all. I'm alright, I promise." I half smiled, he answered with a courteous nod. My focus went back to why I originally came in here. Food. Food, food, food.  

I was always told I was a big eater, everyone would always question as to how I could fit so much food into my body. It ticked me of a bit, I mean seriously! Everyone has got eat.. Just some more than others.  

There was about 5 women in the kitchen, some where chopping, grating and dicing things, others where stirring pots, it was kind of chaotic. Obviously the food wasn't ready yet, so I dismissed myself from Jarod and made my way upstairs. Getting to my floor, I started towards my bedroom, when I saw one of the 'other's' door was slightly ajar. Curiosity took hold of me, and I decided to quickly peek through the small crack. Nothing. Or should I say no one. I sighed, and just as I turned around my head bumped into something hard. I quickly shot my eyes up, and I felt my breath hitch. It was him.


My heart clenched tight. He was even more stunning up close, his abs bulged out of his smooth tan skin, he had broad shoulders that moved up and down in perfect time of his breathing. My eyes wondered towards his face. Oh my. My wolf was itching. No clawing at my stomach. There was a light wisp of stubble along his jaw. He had full rose pink lips, and a tall perfect nose. Then my eyes met his for the second time today. The icy blue eyes, weren't as cold as their colour, in fact they were inviting and warm. His eyebrows were knit together in confuion, it was so very hot yet adorable at the same time. I wondered what he was thinking about for a second.. but shoved it off as nothing as my eyes slipped from his, and gazed slowly back down his body again, past his chin, his shoulders, his abs, his towel, his Le-  

WAIT he's in a towel? Oh my goodness! How could I not notice this? I felt my checks warm as I stared at the towel that hung loosely on his waist. He is naked. He is naked! Stop staring pip, stop. Stop it! -  

"Ahem" he coughed a little. My protests towards my self were interrupted. I ripped my eyes away from the vaneruble towel, to his face. I looked at his hair, which was messily tousled and sticking out at all angles, slightly damp. He must have just gotten out of the shower. I looked him dead in the eye, not bothering to hide the increasing redness, seeping into my checks. "What are you doing?" I asked him, trying to sound assertive. I crossed my arms over my chest.  He was just standing there staring at me, We were inches apart. I wanted to leap on him right then and there. 'Mate' my wolf howled she was very.. Excited.  

"Well this is my room soo.." He trailed of.. My lips parted, I was preventing him from getting into his room to change, I was standing in his doorway. if he didn't notice me blushing before, he could probably tell now .. I could tell I was the colour of a ripe tomato. "Mm.. Sorry..uh-" with out another word I hurried towards my room, his eyes burning into my back. I quickly slammed the room door shut then slumped to the floor. I released a long held breath. I sat there for a while, just thinking about him. He was naked. Oh My God.

After a few minutes had passed so I stood up and went over to the mirror. I was hot and flustered. I pressed my finger tips against my cheek. It burned almost as hot as fire. I took a step closer towards my reflection. My eyes. Violet. Radiating one pure emotion. One single feeling, pulsing through my body.


*      *      *     *     *      *       *

After dinner I was jammed full. I felt bloated and I could see a little bump forming on my stomach from all the food I had just ate. I hobbled up the stairs, and straight into my bedroom. No detours this time. I rummaged through my draws and found an over sized t-shirt to cover my 'food baby', then I tugged of my pants, grabbed my toothbrush and headed for the bathroom.

I squirt some toothpaste on my toothbrush, and starting cleaning my teeth.  I stood there just brushing and humming Give me Love by ed sheeran for a little over 2 minutes. I leant over the basin and rinsed out my mouth.


Someone came behind me and squeeze my waist a little and sent a shock throughout my body.

I whipped my head around and went to punch this hoolagin in the face, but stopped.

It was him, my mate.

Relief swept over me, he grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile right back at him. Ahh he smelt heavenly as always. "Hi, my name is Lee I don't think we have properly met yet" His voice was smooth and deeper than I expected. "Im Pip" I said matter of factly. He was still smiling, just not as big as he was before.

"Look - Pip - I don't know if you know this yet but.. Your my mate" He looked me straight in the eyes, watching for my reaction. I just smiled and nodded at him.

"I know" i barley breathed the words out. I was so stunned by his beauty, everything about him was so breath taking. He stared my face some more then my body. I wasn't wearing any pants. My lips parted in realisation. I was normally confident about my body and didn't really care. But here, in the presence of my mate, it was different. i wanted to do things to him.. with him. Things i have never thought about, things i shouldn't think about. I squeezed my thighs together, i had a weird feeling in my lower tummy area.Oh No. His eyes were fixed on my upper thigh. No, no no! this cant happen. His eyes shot up to meet mine. They were no longer blue, but piercing black. His feelings of lust filled the room. I had to come to my sences, and fast. I closed my eyes, and turned my back to him. 1..2..3..4..5..- i felt his fingers brush along my spine,  through my t-shirt. Sparks shot all through me. I arched my back, i wanted more... NO!  I roughly switched the tap on and let the water gush through. His hands till traveling downwards, and slowly across the lower regions of my back. I clenched my fists tight, knuckles white, with everything i had in my i took a deep breath "STOP!" i yelled, sounding more weak than i planned on, shit. I felt him tence behind me, his hands no longer moving, but roughly gripping the sides of my waist. Silence fell upon us and the only sound was of the smooth water pouring out of the tap. I concentrated on everything and nothing, blocking out all my feelings. I felt myself relaxing more and more, 

"I .. i'm soo sorry,.. i - uh i.." and with that Lees hands left my body, and soon after i heard a door slam somewhere down the hall. A cold feeling spread across my body starting from where his hands were, moving out towards my finger tips, i feel so cold.. so alone. What is this, why do i feel this way? why am i hurting so bad? "lee..please.." i whimpered. "i need you" and with that everything went blank as my limp body hit the bathroom floor.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! i hope yous havnt given up on me yet, ive been on holiday and have been meaning to post this chapter so here it is! i will update asap :) 


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