1 - Welcome to My Life

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I still clearly remember that day. The day that I've lost everything I had, everyone I love. And if ever I have a magic, I would gladly erase my own memory of that day. Maybe no other living person saw the incident, maybe every other person in the planet is happy on that day but not me.

"Sapphyre, run!", Father told me.

But my feet is stuck on the ground. I'm frozen and rooted on my place, eyes bulging out from its sockets and heck, I was really afraid. I was seeing my Father lying on the ground curled into a ball because his knee had been shot. My mother, lifeless on the ground. My brother still running, I guess but he had a pursuer which means it will be just a matter of time before the worst happens to him. And I'm the lucky one without a predator. Am I?

"Sapphyre, just go! Run! Leave! Don't look back," Father again then screamed.

"I cannot…" was all I managed to mumble. But then I saw the man who shot my parents. He was standing up and was limping towards me and pointing the gun in my direction. And as if it was possible my eyes bulged more.

"Damn it, Sapphyre! I know you can run just leave. Have some courage, my young lady!" Father shouted at me again.

And as if on cue, we all heard a gunshot from a distance.

"I guess that's your poor older brother dead in there," the man said. "Maybe we won't kill you just yet. We'll play first, my little young lady, Sapphyre." He continued.

And that was enough for me to run as fast as I could, crying all the way out. To say I was terrified was an understatement. To even try to describe what I was feeling was unfair. I just run without any direction in my mind.

And then I heard another gunshot.

And I gasped loud.

"OH! GREAT," I muttered. I woke up again with that nightmare. I hated it everyday. I turned to look at my alarm clock and was shock to see it was half-past seven. Wow, could the day get any better. So I got up from my bed and dragged myself in my shower. I dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white plain shirt. I also grabbed my watch, my bag and some blazer.

And then I went down in the kitchen, grabbed some cereals and milk. And I ate. After eating, I placed my dishes in the dishwasher and brushed my teeth. And off I go. Actually forgetting that I am barefooted. Seriously?! I grabbed my heels and went out.

"Great," I again muttered. My class starts at 8am and its already 7:45 and I'm too far to school yet. Sure as hell that I'll be late.

I got in school at 8:05 but I still need to go in to my locker to grab my books for the morning but that can wait later. Since it’s the first day of school, I think or hope that the teachers would be very lovely not to discuss anything first thing in the morning. And so I walked up to my room and sure enough the teacher is already in there, talking nonstop. I sighed heavily.

"Ok, here goes nothing," I muttered under my breath. I knocked and went in. And as if I killed a thousand people, everyone was staring at me.

"Oh, if it isn't Ms. Gisborn coming in late," Mr. Wates exclaimed. "You can still go in and occupy any seats in there but don't be late anymore after this or I'll have you in detention for a week."

YAY ME! As much as I like this particular teacher in front of me, I hated what he said because everyone knows that what he says is what he will do.

I started to walk and found a seat beside my best friend, Sena. I looked at her and she was smiling, glad that I can do that for her. Please note the sarcasm. I plopped down next to her.

"Someone's seem grumpy," Sena said.

"I am not," I retorted.

"I never said you were. I said 'someone'," she spat back.

"Oh, seriously? We're playing this?" I asked her.

"We're not playing anything, my dear best friend Sapphyre," she told me looking back to Mr. Wates.

I tried to fight the urged to stomp on my feet and scream like a lunatic. I hate it when she pulled the my-mission-is-to-annoy-the-hell-out-of-you-and-pretend-innocent card. But then when she looked at me again, she sighed.

"Look Sapphyre, I'm kidding alright? Sorry about that. Its just because you look like you haven't slept for a month now with that dark circles under your eyes," she said sympathetically.

I was about to say something when the door opened and out of it was a man. And all of our heads turned to look at him. He looked like a freaking model with his dark pants, white shirt, black leather jacket and a red scarf around his neck. During this moment, every guy wanted to shout 'life is unfair' on top of their lungs. But the weird part is that his look or aura is like that of a murderer or someone who finally found the reason to live and then after being happy for quite sometime lost it.

The man stood there in front with Mr. Wates having some staring competition with everyone else. The very detail that stood out of him is his eyes. They were the blackest eyes I have ever seen in my life. Those eyes screams mystery. I watched just like everyone else as Mr. Wates approach him.

"Well, well. Look like we have a new student here. Mind introducing yourself?" Mr. Wates said eyeing the new guy suspiciously. But then who wouldn’t?

"My name is Crimson Friagne," was all he said. And I think everyone is still looking at him expectantly actually urging him to go on. But after a good two minutes nothing was added to that and so Mr. Wates decided to talk again.

"Ok. Since you are new here I think it will only be natural that you don't know anything about this school. So I've decided to ask Ms. Latecomer here to be your guide," Mr. Wates said. And as if on cue Mr. Wates pointed me.

Oh, great! I'm the lucky one. HA HA. And as if the guy can hear my thoughts, he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I don't think that's necessary. I can just go on my own. But thank you anyway," he told Mr. Wates with that oh-so-sexy deep voice that he has.

Wait, did I just said that? NO!

"Well then, you can go sit now," Mr. Wates pointed to the seat beside me.

"Oh, great!" I said and sighed heavily earning a glare from Sena. That look that I very much know, it meant 'be nice'. Yeah, she is my motherly figure in here.

After a good one and a half hour of History with Mr. Wates, the bell finally rang. I stood up and so was Sena and everyone else. I saw Lana and her minions approaching Mr. new guy but was rejected when he stood up and approached me and Sena. I literally jump up because of the shock that he was approaching us.

"Since I saved you from the trouble of being a tour guide a while ago. Why not pay back this time?" he asked looking at me straight in my eyes.

"What?" was all I asked.

"Save me from the trouble of personally humiliating those Barbie wannabes and we'll be even," he said.

And sure enough Lana and her minions are almost near us and is already in hearing range.

After I sighed, I muttered a low "Fine" to this guy's suggestion. He actually smirked and left. Just like that and I am face-to-face with Lana with Sena beside me.

"What was that, Gisborn?" she shrieked.

"What was 'what' exactly, Lana?" I asked her.

"That!", she then again shrieked.

"Look Lana, why don't you just leave me alone for today and come back later if you can already form a coherent sentence," I said rolling my eyes and walking out with Sena.

"Gadd! I hate her," I told Sena.

"Well who isn't?" Sena retorted. And we just walked to our next class laughing.


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