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 I never realised how strong I was until I realised 

I didn't have to buy into the idea that forgiveness was a requirement to moving on and 

that the concept of 'letting go' was developed for others rather than for victims. 

it's ok to not forgive. 

It's perfectly fine to not let it go. 

You won't suffer or die or become embittered; don't buy into that, it's bullshit. 

You aren't weak or a lesser person if you cannot forgive and 

not do you need to work on yourself or be belittled and pitied by others 

for rightfully maintaining your right to feel whatever you want to. 

They are your feelings. 

You ARE allowed to feel your feelings, 

you ARE allowed to be true to yourself instead of pandering to the needs of others, so that they can sleep better at night. 

The pain lessens to a scar regardless of whether you forgive or not

don't beat yourself up about this myth of forgiveness. 

The truth is it just stops hurting, over time. 

Feel free to not forgive - it's your right to do so.  


A/N : Above written was actually a comment/ opinion written by someone on the post of forgiveness and I must say that I like this comment more than the original post so I shared it here...

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