Chapter 1 Moving Day

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I wake excitedly! Today it the day. The day for my escape. I look at the clock and realize that our flight leaves in five hours. I run across the hallway into Lil's room and hop on her bed "It's moving day! It's moving day! Today is the day" I exclaim. Lilyen props herself onto her elbow and tiredly wipes the sleep from her eyes. "I guess I should finish packing then, huh" she asks humorously
"Let's go get some food first" I offer
"Denny's" Lil suggests
"Then The Coffee Fox" I state, after all this is our regular routine.
"I'll get dressed. Let's leave in twenty minutes"
"I'll be ready"
I run back to my bedroom, which looks bare now, because everything except a suitcase with my essentials, and an air mattress is in California. I dig through my suit case and grab my ripped skinny jeans, and my favorite PINK lounge shirt. I rush back down stairs and slide on my favorite pair of DC high-tops. "Lil, are you ready" I shout. "Yeah, I'm on my way" she responds. We walk to my rental car chatting about the move, and who we might see while we're in California.

When we get home we have about an hour before we have to leave for our flight. Just enough time to get our last minute things together. I grab my toothbrush and put it in my bag, then double check all the drawers and cabinets in my bathroom to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. Finally, everything is together. "How's it coming" I call to Lilyen. "Almost done" she responds back. "I'm going to bring my stuff down. We should leave in 10 minutes" I say. The excitement is bubbling inside of me. I almost can't contain it.
Once I get down stairs I load the last of my things into the rental car, then begin to load Lil's. While Lil puts her shoes on I decide to take a quick walk down the beach. This will be the last time I get to feel this sand between my toes as a resident here. I can't help but think of how part of me will miss this place, and the memories I've made growing up here. I'm lost in thought, reminiscing on my childhood when I hear Lil calling to me "Hey you hobknocker! It's time to go" once again excitement fills me and I sprint to the car.

We check-in at the airport and go through security. We have a little time left until our flight leaves, so I decide to go look in the book store to see if they have the latest issue of National Geographic. As I finish checking out, I hear an announcer over the loud speaker "Flight #4592 now boarding at gate C19. Non-stop to Las Angles, Californina" the male voice states officially. I text Lil  "They just announced that we can board. I'm headed over there" after I make the short walk to our gate I see Lil waiting for me.
"What took you so long" she questions
"The line was really long" I reply plainly
I hand the woman my boarding pass. She scans it, and I begin my journey. Once I'm on the plane I fasten my seatbelt and anxiously await takeoff. That is my favorite part, descending into the unknown. After we're in the air I decide a nap is in order.

I wake up to the sound of the flight attendant announcing that we're about to land. I begin to shove a few things that I had pulled out, back into my bag then wake Lilyen up. As I wait to be on the ground again I look out the window next to Lil and watch the buildings appear.
In no time we are on the ground and released to go to the baggage claim. Lilyen and I walk together, tiredly, but excited to see our new home. We grab our luggage and head for the cab driver with a sign that plainly reads "Churchill", which is my last name. It's about a twenty minute drive to our lovely gated community, but in that twenty minutes there is much to see. My new home, palm trees, warm sun, and sand (even though none of that is anything new). We pull into the driveway of our beautiful new home. It's two-story's with a fantastic balcony attached to one of the upstairs bedrooms. The landscaping is sharp and neat. There is a small garden next to the front door, with beautiful blue morning glories.
I slide out of the cab, walk to the trunk and grab my things.
"Gah! It's beautiful, Lil" I state with the most overjoyed tone I've used in a long time.
"It sure is. Let's get in there and start unpacking" she replies just as joyful as me.
The inside is even more pretty then the outside. The walls are a sleek white, lined with dark wood trim. To the left of the door is the dining room, which opens up to the kitchen. To the right of the door is the living room that seems small with all of our furniture piled in it. I immediately march down the hall, around the corner, to my room. I walk in, and even though it's empty now, I can imagine how great it's going to look when I move my furniture in. The door to my huge bathroom is to the left, and a set of French doors to the patio in the back yard, on the right. Lilyen and I decide to do some official house exploring, and venture upstairs. There we find another huge living room, two more bedrooms (one of them belongs to Lil), a laundry room, and another bathroom. This house is huge. I can't wait to make some new friends and fill our house with laughter. Once we finish house exploring, we move our furniture to the locations in which it belongs. Now, time to shop for the furniture we don't have. Lilyen and I go to the first furniture store that comes up on Google. While we're there we pick a couch, entertainment center, and TV for the upstairs living room, furnishings for the filming room, and a washer and dryer. None of it will be delivered until tomorrow, so Lil and I decide on picking up a pizza, and then neighborhood exploring. As we drive I point out a picnic area, with a nice sidewalk (which Lil loves, because she can penny board on it.) that goes all the way back to our house.
"Ahh pizza" Lil says with delight.
We each grab a piece, but before she can eat it Lil pulls everything off the top of her pizza, then digs in.
"This pizza is really good" I say taking another bite. The flavors of the rich cheese and tangy pepperoni bounce on my tongue.
"It was good. I'm going to see where this sidewalk leads" Lil states adventurously
"Alright. Be safe, and text me if you need something" Ugh, I sound like my mother. I have to change that.
I pack up what's left of the pizza, and drive back home to finish unpacking.

I make my bed and put my makeup in my bathroom drawers.
"That's the last of it" I say out loud, as if someone is here to hear me.
I think I will reward myself with a movie and popcorn. I walk down the wide hallway to the kitchen. I stick a bag of popcorn in the microwave, then go dig through our DVD collection. The moment that I settle on The Heat, with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, the microwave starts beeping. I put the movie in the DVD player, then walk back to the kitchen for my popcorn and a glass of water. Just before I hit play on the movie I look down at my phone and see that it's 9 o'clock.
"I'm going to text Lil, then I'll start the movie" I think to myself

I quickly compose a message
- hey went home figured you skated off please be safe xoxo

Only 10 minutes pass by before the front door opens. Lilyen bursts in, but I hardly notice the glowing smile on her face, die to the fact that I am preoccupied.
"Hey. I heard a car door shut. Who dropped you off" I ask nonchalantly
"You'll never, ever guess" she stated, anticipating my response.

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