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Okay, this is my first story AND fanfiction, so please don't judge me, even if it does suck, which it most likely will. If I make any mistakes, sorry, but this is a fanfiction and you can make it whatever you want, so, yeah. I hope you enjoy this (horrible) story!


W.I.C.K.E.D is good, Clary.

I awoke with a start, and instantly regretted it for my head felt like it was going to split in two.
Where am I?
I think to myself, and I look around. I couldn't see well, but there was some light coming from above.
I am in some kind of box, with black walls, and there are some boxes.
I stand up, and walk over to the boxes, and start to search through them.
A glint of light caught my eye in one of the boxes, so I cautiously walked over to it, and found it was a knife. I picked it up, and turned it over, examining its blade.
Without warning, the box shot upwards at an alarming rate, and I fell to the ground, hitting my head, which resulted in it hurting worse.

My stomach heaved and the speed the box was moving, so I gripped the knife more tightly and scooted towards the wall.

The walls seemed to close in on me, then all of a sudden, the box stopped.

Light filled the box suddenly, and I jumped to my feet, holding the knife out in front of me.

"It's a girl, and she has a bloody knife,"

I hear someone say from in front of me, but I can't see them because the light is blinding me.
The person had a weird accent, and sounded like a boy.

"If you come anywhere near me, I will slice your throat open,"

I say and swing the knife around.

"Sounds like a feisty one! Is she hot?"

I hear a boy yell from above me.
You will be thinking feisty until I rip your balls out

I think to myself.
My eyes adjust, and I see a boy who looked about 18 with dirty blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, and he looked very slim, but strong, if you know what I mean.

"Ok, just put the knife down, and I will get you out of here. You have to trust me, ok? I'm Newt,"

He says. I narrow my eyes, but lower the knife. I walk towards him, and he leads me to the wall. A rope slides down, and I grab onto it, and someone pulls it up.
I am pulled on some grass, and am yanked on my feet. I look around and see some guys smirk at me, and some are licking their lips, their eyes wandering me.
It made me feel uncomfortable, so I push them out of the way, and I see a big opening.
It was some sort of opening that connected to a wall, so that everyone in it was trapped.
Without thinking, I sprinted towards the doors.


I heard someone yell behind me, then I heard multiple footsteps behind me.
No! Just let me escape!
I think, and all of a sudden, two arms are around me, and I am turned as I fall towards the ground, so I whoever grabbed me was going to hit the ground.

I didn't see who it was until we hit the ground. I open my eyes and see a boy about the same age as the British one, with brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was Asian, and his hair was styled upwards, kind of messy.
I squirm out of his grip, and stand up, until someone grabs my arms and shakes me.
I turn and see a guy way taller than me, sandy colored hair, and freckles dotted his nose. He glared down at me and shoved me.


He screamed at me, so I walked up to him, and stood right up in his face.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

I say, and he shoves me again.

"Watch me. Don't. Go. In. The. Maze!"

He says.

"I will not listen! I will... I will..."

I say, and he laughs, along with everyone else.

"What? Are you going to pun-"

He was cut off by my fist contacting with the side of his cheek.
He fell to the ground and held his face, while I stood over him.

"Yeah, I will punch you!"

I say, and someone grabs my arms and yanks me away from him.
I turn and see a colored guy pushing me towards a wooden house.


The guy screams, and pushes me into the house.

Minho's POV

The girl, whatever her name was, is the coolest person ever.

A lot of people already liked her for punching Gally.


Alby screams, and I turn to look at him dragging the girl away with him. She squirms, and her eyes lock with mine.

I know those eyes. They are so familiar, yet so new at the same time.

I start walking towards the Homestead. It's still hard to grip in my mind that there was a girl in the Maze, just a few days after Thomas. One person came every month, and they were all boys, until she came.
I sigh, and step into the Homestead.


This is probably the worst thing you have ever read, so I wouldn't care if you stopped reading.

Your fabulous(er than me!)
The picture is Clary and what she looks like!


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