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Clary's POV

I was shoved into a, not very well made, building.
There wasn't much light, but I could still see. The room had chairs lined up in a row, and two main chairs in front of them all.
The dark skinned man holding me shoved me into a chair, and everyone else surrounded me, sitting in the other chairs.
I was sitting to the side of them all.
The dark skinned man and the British boy sat in the two chairs in front of all the other chairs.

"Greenie, you aren't allowed to talk until the end, or I will lock you up!"

The dark skinned man said, and looked at Newt.

"Ok, this girl has been here for what, ten minutes? She's already broken a rule. Never harm. Another Glader. Minho, you should have just let her run into the Maze!"

The guy I punched said.

"Slim it, Gally. I know she broke the rules, and I am mad about that, but we need to be smart about this,"

Newt said, looking at the guy I punched. I guess his name is Gally.


"SHUT IT!" The dark skinned man yells, cutting of Gally, "You shut up, Gally. We are going to ask everyone what they think we should do with her!"

They do know I'm here, right? I'm about to punch someone else in the face if they don't stop talking about me like I'm not here.
I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to get in trouble.
No, I'm kidding. I'm already in trouble, so it won't matter.

"OK! I'm right here! Stop talking about me like I'm not here!"

I say, and Gally stands up and stalks over to me, and bends over me.


He screams, and I glare at him.

"I'm not afraid to get into anymore trouble by kicking you where it hurts worse!"

I say, and he backs up. I hear a few snickers, and Gally sits back down in his own seat.

"OK! SHUT IT ALL OF YOU! LET ME GET ON WITH THIS SHUCKING MEETING!" The dark skinned man said. I need to figure out his name, "Winston, what do you think we should do with her?"

He said, and looked at a guy.

"She broke the rules. I'm with Gally, she needs to be punished,"

He said, and I sank in my seat.
There's another person who doesn't like me.

"Clint, Jeff?"

He asks, looking at two boys. They didn't seem very tall, or strong, in that matter.

"I don't think you should do a lot to her. She's probably confused, and I honestly think that you should let it slide. Maybe, put her in the pit for half a day without food and water,"

One of the boys say, and the other nods.
I think I can trust them.

Anyway, it goes on and on, and Newt agreed with Clint and Jeff.


Newt asks, looking at the Asian. I look at... Minho, and he looks at me.

"I agree with Clint and Jeff. Gally was being an ignorant shuck-face, so I don't blame her for punching him,"

He said, and Gally mumbled something.

"Wait, she's a girl,"

A guy said. He was one of the people that agreed with Gally.

"Oh really? I didn't notice. Thank you, for pointing that out to me,"

I say, and I hear Newt, Minho, and a boy with brown eyes, and black hair, snicker.

"Your welcome. Anyway, since the people that put us here sent a girl, I think that they are giving us a hint about how long we are staying,"

He says, licking his lips and looking at me.
I stand up in my chair and someone grabs my hands to keep me from lunging at him.


I scream, and suddenly, everyone is talking at once.


The dark skinned man said, and the two boys grabbed my arms and led me out.
They took me to the woods, and made me sit on the ground.
I wasn't going to talk anymore.

"Ok, you know what. Let's just try and explain everything to you,"

Newt said, and looked at me. I just stared ahead, refusing to look at him or Minho.

"Hey, look at us,"

Minho said, but I didn't do anything but stare ahead.
I heard someone running towards us, and I see Gally.

"I'm supposed to help you, even if I don't want to,"

He said, and I didn't even look at him.

"She won't look at us,"

Newt said, and he and Minho both crouched down in front of me.
I averted my eyes, and focused them on my lap.

"You stupid Shank! Look at us!"

Gally says, and I could feel my anger boiling. He just made me so angry.


He screams.
I clench my fists, and yell angrily.
Everything suddenly goes blurry, and all I remember is people talking, and someone picking me up, before everything goes black.


There is Minho, my bae up there.

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