♈Aries -
Having 6 fingers on each hand.♉Taurus -
Having no feet or hands.♊Gemini -
Lobster Boy.♋Cancer -
Having every inch of your body pierced.♌Leo -
Over obsessive girl/boyfriend.♍Virgo -
2 bodies, sharing 1 head.♎Libra -
Being the 'Dandy' type.♏Scorpio -
Taking other people's shit.♐Sagittarius -
You own the show. Nothing freaky.♑Capricorn -
Eating worms and slugs.♒Aquarius -
You are ma petite size.♓Pisces -
Waving at strangers in the next car.
American Horror Story Zodiac
AléatoireLooking for Evan Peters, Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson? Well you have found them! This zodiac contains all characters from all 6 seasons of American Horror Story! I hope you enjoy! ☆All media/videos used in this zodiac are intended for entertain...