♈Aries -
Violet Harmon.♉Taurus -
Beau Langdon.♊Gemini -
Moira O'Hara.♋Cancer -
Chad Warwick.♌Leo -
Vivien Harmon.♍Virgo -
The intruders (episode 2).♎Libra -
Travis Wanderly.♏Scorpio -
Infantata.♐Sagittarius -
The Twins.♑Capricorn -
Nora Montgomery.♒Aquarius -
Tate Langdon.♓Pisces -
Hayden McClaine.---------------------------------------
I do not own any of the media used in this part! Don't know if I should state that anywhere else so just to clarify.
Personally, I'd like to get killed by Hayden as she was an amazing character, the majority will probably say Tate;)
American Horror Story Zodiac
CasualeLooking for Evan Peters, Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson? Well you have found them! This zodiac contains all characters from all 6 seasons of American Horror Story! I hope you enjoy! ☆All media/videos used in this zodiac are intended for entertain...