So Stubborn

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I watched him as he walked around the room, he put the bottle of vodka down thankfully but he just kept smiling at me. He opened a curtain and I saw hardly any light come through... Must be quite late now. He walked up to me and pulled out a key, dangling it in front of my face.

"You know, I could make this easy for you" He told me and I raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't have to be chained to a chair..."

"What do I have to do?" I asked really not wanting for an answer.

"Be my girlfriend" What? Was he actually joking? I laughed for a second but he looked serious... I'm guessing it wasn't a joke.

"You think I will be your girlfriend after you kidnapped me and my friends?" I asked and chuckled slightly "I don't think so" I snapped and he grabbed my wrist

"Your so stubborn" He smiled slightly, "You will be my girlfriend Sophie, this is just the easy way of asking... Since you turned the easy way down we'll have to do it the hard way" He told me and I swallowed hard. The door opened and Mikey walked in the room covered in blood, I swallowed hard as he smiled at me, Gerard smiled at me and then walked to Mikey.

"I need to do some stitches on Joey... You got the equipment?" Mikey asked, wait... On Joey? Was he covered in Joey's blood!? Oh gosh... I sobbed quietly thinking of the pain she must be going through. Mikey just looked at me, he had a knife in his hand and he slowly walked over. "Hello Sophie" He smiled and Gerard ran over stopping the knife from touching me.

"Frank has the equipment, Have fun" He chuckled and Mikey walked off.

"W...What is he doing to her" I asked, do I dare know the answer? Gerard knelt beside of me and smiled at me.

"Do you really want to know?" He smirked and I gulped, shaking my head. "You should think of yourself lucky... At least we aren't covered in blood. I could always change the plans though. Just say you want to be my girlfriend and we'll play nice" He told me.

"Your crazy..." I whispered still trying to get my hands free, he sighed.

"I can protect you from the others. Just make this easy for me, I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to" He told me.

"Okay" I blurted out, I'd rather not be covered in blood and these chains are really annoying, he smiled at me and kissed my lips which made me feel sick.

"I knew you would understand, we're going to be so happy together" He smiled standing up. He took out the key and unchained my feet. "If you don't behave though... I'll have to keep you in this chair" He warned and I nodded. He unchained my wrists and I rubbed them. He smiled and pulled me out of the chair and into a hug. I slowly hugged him back. I need to make him trust me, to be alone... Then I can help the others.I need to tell the others to do the same, play nice and get them on our side then we can all run.

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