Chapter 1

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Here's how my nightmare began: the sun was bigger than usual and the rays of the sun felt like daggers against my skin. Out of the blue, the sun exploded into ten blazing fireballs. They charged at me at breakneck speed. It was as though an invisible giant was hurling them at me. Terrified, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I hid behind a silver rock, hoping for some time to rest my fatigued feet. This gave me just enough time to notice my attire. I was dressed in full battle armor that was lined with glowing silver bits and sea blue sapphires that were crescent shaped. I was also holding a silver staff with a crescent that was made out of white crystals. Just then, I heard an explosion. I turned only to see that the ground just a few inches away from me had been scorched. My brain immediately commanded my limbs to move. My feet ran as far away from the rock as possible, and sure enough in a matter of seconds, the spot where I was just standing was blown to bits. Phoenix-looking birds circled around me in the sky. They breathed out spirals of fire which I swiftly dodged like a professional dodgeball player. Thump! Thump! Thump! I could feel the ground shaking but I had no time to see what was happening. ZOOM! A fireball just whizzed past my left ear, missing by a few inches. I was terrified. I turned for a split second only to see pandemonium. Soldiers that were literally made out of fire were charging towards me. It seemed like a very horrifying nightmare I wouldn't want to come true. Soon, I was surrounded by the fire soldiers and the phoenixes. I had absolutely no way of escaping. I tried fighting them off with my staff but it was futile. There was just too many of them. While I was distracted, I heard a sizzling sound and realized a fireball was just about to destroy me. When it had collided with the ground and exploded, my vision erupted into flames and I woke up with a startle. Cold sweat was dripping down my forehead like rivulets.

I got out of bed still thinking about what had just happened. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water to quench my thirst. I sat down on a chair and thought about my dream. What did it mean? Was it just another nightmare? Or was it a harbinger of something bad? A million questions zipped through my mind but they would never be answered. "Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock." the serene sound of the clock ticking calmed my nerves. I was still thinking about my dream but I was at least more calm and composed. I looked at the clock. It read 12, which meant that it was midnight. Wow, what are the chances of me waking up at exactly midnight? The soft glow of the moon that radiated through the house also helped to calm me down after the shock of the nightmare I just had. I touched the sapphire pendant that hung from my neck. It was shaped in a crescent. Could it somehow have a connection with my dream? I guessed that my nightmare could have been caused by my hatred of the sun. The sun had always annoyed me. On supposedly cool days whenever I just want to relax or take a quick stroll in the park, the sun would always ruin everything with its blistering heat without fail. The sun always made me sweat profusely which caused the people at my school to make snide remarks or tease me. The sun was my arch-enemy. But, at night, the moon would always calm me down and make me feel smarter, stronger and it made me long for my biological parents and my home. My name is Lunex Anderson, I am 14 years old. I was adopted by my foster parents when I was 3. Nobody knew who or where my biological parents were. Hazy memories of them are still etched deeply in my mind. I remembered the radiant smile my father had and the elegant poise my mother had. I also remembered them holding my hand but that was all I remembered. My foster-parents treat me like their own, which I am very grateful for. The pendant had been all my biological parents had left me. The chain was made out of sterling silver and the beautifully carved crescent was made out of a shimmering blue sapphire. The thing must have been glow in the dark or something because it would always glow at night.

Suddenly, the soft silver glow turned to a bright yet soft auburn color. I was taken aback. I looked out of the window to see the blood moon rising from the horizon. Oddly, the pendant glowed brighter, it seemed to be reflecting the blood moon. It either must have been really good glow-in-the-dark quality or it really is magic and there is no scientific explanation behind it. I would probably go with the first option. The cooling night breeze had also been taken along with the serenity of the night. Crows were squawking at what seemed to be the top of their lungs. The starry sky had been replaced with auburn red clouds. I saw a streak of violet lightning flash across the sky, my vision was blinded. I felt a gush of wind swirling around me like the swirls in a cup of Starbucks Latte. When I had regained my vision, I realized that I was in a completely different place.

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