Part 7

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"Hey guyssss!!!! Arghhhhh!!!" Hong Bin frustrated at this situation and also at his friends. He already told them the real situation but why they were still in that building? His guest was right.

As soon as he jumped from the balcony, he straightly landed on the ground outside of the building. In other words, he just stepped out of the building. Like he told his friends before, they were actually on the ground floor.

"These idiots.... Just get out from there!!!!" He's been shouting that 'he's here' when he saw they tried to find him.

Unfortunately when he shouted to his friends none of them heard him. When he tried to enter the building, he bounce back outside the building as if there was a transparent wall that prevent him from approached the building. The most frustrated thing was his friends just in front of him, but he can't do anything other that praying that they will believe what he said and get out from there.


L Joe rubbed his face with regrets. "We should have stops him."

"What to do? We should find him." Chun Ji just stared at his friends. Another unexpected events occurred left them be in confusion.

Sung Jong seems to have a deep thought. After a long silence, he finally came with a decision. "No matter how hard I think, what Hong Bin said might be true."

"So?" Hyun Woo still asking even though he already expected what Sung Jong answer would be.

"I will follow Hong Bin. Guys, I think that's better than we trapped in here.And I'm sure we will meet Hong Bin after this." Sung Jong convinced his friends."Choose! Wether to keep trying tp find a 'safe' way to go out that we never know when we will found it or take risk to go out of this building here. Think carefully."

Silence enveloped them. They took some time to consider which decision would be the best.

"I will jump for sure." Sung Jong added.

"Arasseo. Me too." L Joe agreed to join Sung Jong. "I don't want to stay here anymore."

"In that case we too..." Chun Ji looked at Hyun Woo to ask if he will join the too. Hyun Woo nodded his head. "We'll get out from here." Chun Ji answered on his behalf.

Sung Jong smiled with a feeling of relive that he's friends agree with him. If they didn't he'll had a headache because he didn't want to separate with his friends but at the same time he wanted to find Hong Bin. "But L Joe are you okay? You look sick."

"I'm okay. I can endure this. I'm still strong. Don't worry." L Joe smiled to ensure his friends.

"Okay then." Sung Jong looked at his friends one by one with a determination look. "L Joe you first." He asked L Joe to jump first because he worried that he will collapse if he when last and nobody knew about it.

L Joe climbed the balcony carefully and then jumped. Sung Jong, Chun Ji and Hyun Woo who watched L Joe jumped shocked. He disappeared a soon as he jump.

They controlled their feeling. They had already knew this happened to Hong Bin before.

"I'm going to jump now." Sung Jong also started to climb the balcony. "Don't change your mind!" He managed to warn Chun Ji and Hyun Woo before jumped down.

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