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Well, hello everyone!!!

This is my first attempt to write a complete story so i don't expect it to be perfect...


I want to warn you and be honest with you from the beginning...

I don't think I can upload regularly, too many obligations and dead ends (writer's blocker?they call it something like that) AND I don't even know if I will be able to actually finish it (WORSE).

So I'm telling you all this so you can stop reading now and go find something else, I don't want to waste your time and I definitely don't want angry Wattpadians trying to find where I live so they can hunt me down. Believe me I have read some scary threats about those uploads around here...I may have even delivered one or two of my own...! *evil laugh*

So the ones that think that my story isn't worth the trouble stop reading HERE.

I hope you stopped...last warning...

NOW the ones who want to give me and my imagination a chance, first of all..THANK YOU!!!!This means a lot to me.

So let's get to the other important stuff...

English is not my first language, so there are gonna be some grammar/vocabulary mistakes along the way. I need your support and understanding. I don't mind if you point them out, I'm actually counting on it so I can correct them, cause to me everything seems fine!!I have a feeling that even this has some gram/vocab mistakes. *sigh* BUT I would appreciate it if you tried to be nice about them, ok? There is no need to be mean and say stuff like  "Are you a retard?It's apple not aple. What are you? Stupid??"  (me not stupid, but example...yes...!! :P)

Oh, and I have a big problem wιth where to put the ,  (i don't know the name, but its brother is the dot [.]) in a sentence. You will probably notice it along with my other problem the [on,in,at] I always confuse them....

Do you still want to read my story??I have a feeling you are regretting your decision now...

The ones that STILL consider it...well, what can I say...I'm actually speechless and a little worried about your common sense!!! BUT I ADORE YOU!!!!

Feel free to comment/vote/whatever!!

Especially the comments..I want to know if this is worth it or I should stop.



PS. Thank you for your patience

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