Chapter 4

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 This goes to my AWESOME humor buddy. Life without her in Wattpad wouldn't be so interesting and full of unicorns and NINJA monkeys!!! <3

Chapter 4

The night. Perfect.

The island. Perfect.

The people. A nightmare.

Roanna was starting to get desperate and being hungry didn’t help the situation. After her afternoon nap she had decided that her stomach needed her immediate attention, so after grabbing a simple pair of jeans and a red short sleeve shirt to wear, she had headed out looking for a good place to sit and enjoy her dinner.

Unfortunately, for her and her stomach, every place she had found in her way while walking was either packed full or they had run out of food. Or at least that was what the managers of those small restaurants had told her, some of them with a big smirk on their faces, while others with a scowl, and she would have believed them if it wasn’t for the empty tables in the back or for the people, who were already ordering more food.

At first, Roanna had been too embarrassed to make a scene, so she had left, wondering for the hundredth time what was so wrong with her that made people instantly dislike her. She usually was a much liked person and her students always felt comfortable discussing their problems with her and sought her advice.

Later, when she had been ‘kicked out’ again, she had started to get angry, but she had still left holding her head high without making a fuss, this time telling herself that since they didn’t want her money then she wasn’t going to give it to them.

Well, dignity and good manners be damned, she thought angrily.

That was the fifth tavern she had gotten in and been told that they couldn’t serve her. She was tired and her feet hurt from all the walking she had done.

Across the street she could see another little tavern with a few empty tables. As a hunter going after his prey she started walking toward it with a determine look on her face. This time she was going to sit and eat even if she had to go to the kitchen and make her own plate, and if they wanted her out of there then they would have to carry her, because she didn’t intend to leave until she had her fill.

There were a couple of empty tables outside near the door and one that was in a corner beside a plant. Roanna chose the table near the plant and sat down quickly claiming the table as hers. She was ready for battle; she would let no one to get between her and the delicious food she could smell in the air.

A boy about 15 years old came to take her order or that’s what she thought until he opened his mouth and said the words that Roanna had learned to hate with passion.

“We ran out of food.”

That did it. She started seeing red.

“Really?” She said softly with a menacing look on her face. “What about that good looking steak they are eating?” She asked pointing a couple sitting two tables away.

He gave a quick glance.

“Yeah, we r-ran out of it, too.” He said with a trembling voice, as he silently cursed his big sister. This part of the restaurant was her domain, but as soon as she saw who had just walked in here she had pushed him out of the door with a “Get rid of her”. He wasn’t sure what exactly his sister’s problem with this woman was, but he knew it had something to do with the Fontana family and what had happened some years back.

 If only I had paid more attention to adult stuff back then, he thought warily.

 The truth was he felt uncomfortable lying to this lady and by the look on her face it wasn’t difficult to figure out that she wasn’t buying his lame excuse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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