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“Destiny…fate…what exactly are they?

Some pretty words someone could say.

Others would tell you there is no such thing as fate and we alone control our own lives.

And then there are those who believe that from the day we are born our whole life is already written in some unknown book and no matter what we do or say will not change what it has already been decided for us.

But what is the truth?

Don’t we make decisions every day? Aren’t we the ones who decide where to go, who are our friends, what to shop, which college to attend, etc?

And yet there are times things happen when we least expect them.

There you are walking….”

Roanna sighed and tossed the magazine on the floor beside the bed. Then she turned on her back and stretched.

Why exactly she had bought that crazy magazine in the first place she had no idea.

Ok that’s a big fat lie, she thought grimacing.

The truth was she was bored with her miserable life. There was no excitement for her; just plain routine. Home, work, home. She needed a change. She wanted something, anything, a purpose maybe.

That pretty much was what she had been thinking when she passed in front of a store and saw the main headline of the magazine “EMBRACE YOUR DESTINY”.

“Well, I should have known better”, she muttered and turned off her reading lamp. Her bedroom plunged into darkness except from a small part of the room where light entered from the half closed door. She never slept with all the lights off. She hated the darkness and the inability to see, so she always left the hallways light on.

She made herself comfortable and stared at the ceiling, her mind wandering off.

How she had managed to become so pathetic? She felt like an old maid and she was only twenty-four years old, for God’s sake. People her age didn’t stay home at a Saturday night; instead they were out having fun and going from one bar to another. Or at least that was what her friends were doing back home.

Every time she went back in her hometown they always had some news to share with her “I’ve got a new boyfriend…I went there…I did that…”.As for her, when the interrogation started she wanted to disappear. Her responses always sounded like they were coming from a recorder.

“How are you?”


“Any news?”

“The same”

“How is work going?”

“You know how it is. I have to wake up early, prepare for my classes, blah,  blah, blah …” This is the part where I bore them to death, by the time I finish talking about my job my friends are either staring at their fingernails  or start whispering between them. And then here comes the golden-question. Ready, GO!

“Any new boyfriend you’re hiding from us?”

I wished “Um, well, with so much work I didn’t really have time for dating” and to spice things up and to have something to say instead of sitting there “but I met this guy at the bus, he was really cute. We kept staring each other the whole time until he got off the bus, he was definitely flirting” what I forgot to tell you, though, is that before he left, he pointed out at my shirt. When I looked down there was a pretty big stain of chocolate, I have a feeling he was trying to guess what it was the whole time we were staring each other.

Roanna groaned and flipped on her stomach. She needed to do something quickly. There is no way she could continue like this. She wanted excitement and adventure, something new.

Maybe a boyfriend, although, strangely enough it never really has been one of her priorities. Boyfriends tended to be time consuming and demanding. As for her, she liked her space and her freedom as a single woman.

Maybe a vacation would do me some good, she thought. New environment, no worries, places to explore…

The more she thought about it the more she became excited.

Yeah, that’s it. The only thing she needed now was a destination.

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