Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Roanna woke up the next morning with only one thought in her mind.


Where could she go?

Well first things first, she thought as she got up and went to the bathroom. After she came out five minutes later she went to her small kitchen and started making breakfast.

Satisfied with her creation-peanut butter and jelly sandwich-she went to the living room and sat down on her sofa.

Taking a bite and chewing slowly, she contemplated her options.

Mountain or sea

She really liked the mountains, the scenery was usually beautiful. All the trees and fresh air, but it was June and it just wasn’t the thing this time of the year when you could choose a nice beach.

So the sea it is

The US had many places she could visit. Miami, Florida… but none of them sounded right to her.

An island then

She was so deep in her thoughts that she jumped when her phone rang.

Quickly, she put down her plate on the coffee table and reaching behind her she grabbed it from the small bookcase she had put there when she had moved in.


“Hi, honey. How are you? Did I wake you up? You sound strange.”

“No, mum you didn’t. I was already awake eating. You wanted something?” Roanna asked abruptly.

“Why you always assume that I want something? Can’t a mother call and see how her only child is doing? Really Roanna that was rude.”

Roanna groaned inwardly. Great just what she needed on a Sunday morning, her mother complaining. Time to soothe her

“You’re right mum, I’m sorry. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak. Don’t pay attention to me. ”

Her mother clearly pacified went on.

“Oh, well, you never were much of a morning person. Anyway, I called to tell you that Andrew and I are going away on a trip to Europe in a few days.”


“Really Roanna there is no need to shout. I assure you my hearing is excellent.”

She ignored that and got to the point.

“On a trip to Europe with Andrew? Mum, you just met him four months ago and you’re planning to go away with him?”

“It’s only for two months, baby”


“Maybe more maybe less” she continued, unaffected by her daughter’s outburst “and besides you hadn’t planned to come home, so there is no need for me to stay here all alone, imprisoned in this empty house, no company at all and my friends have already planned their own vacations with their families...”

Great the guilt card

“Ok, mum. You‘re right, it’s not fair but still you don’t know him very long time. He could be a serial killer, and how am I supposed to find you if you disappear in Europe?”

There was a chuckle from the other side of the phone.

“Seriously, Roanna your imagination knows no boundaries. Andrew is a gentleman and when you meet him you will definitely like him. His sense of humor is really refreshing.”

“Mum…” she said, groaning.

“Well, enough about me. Any news you want to share with me?”

Roanna sighed and let it go. She really loved her mother, but sometimes she could make her want to hit her own head against the wall.

“Actually, there was something I wanted to tell you. I’m planning a vacation of my own”

“Really? That’s great! Have you decided where you want to go?”

“Not yet, but it’s going to be an island. I’m thinking for three weeks, maybe four…”

“Good, good… oups Andrew is here, I have to go. Take care of yourself, honey, and call me when you finally decide. Bye!”

Roanna put the phone down. Even her mother had a more interesting life than hers. She even had a boyfriend, not that she didn’t deserved him.

Her father had not been an easy man to live with. He was always away on business trips with leggy blonds, leaving her mother behind. And when he did them the honor of coming back he was always distant and busy. His cell phone had become an extension of his hand. He had even died holding it six years ago.

Shaking herself away from the past she stood up and went to the kitchen taking her empty plate with her. After she placed it in the sink she started planning her day.

It may be Sunday but she intended to start searching for the perfect place for her vacation, and tomorrow she was going shopping. She may not be looking for a boyfriend but that didn’t mean she couldn’t look pretty.




Monday morning came and went by, and Roanna still hadn’t decided where to go. Hawaii sounded promising, but so did the Caribbean. What really troubled her though were all the expenses this trip would take. Her bank account was going to take a big hit.

Roanna sighed and kept walking with her hands full of shopping bags.

She was so lost in deep thoughts that she didn’t see the man with the bicycle coming towards in high speed until it was too late to move completely out of the way. As she attempted to avoid him, she tripped and started falling backwards. Bags went flying and she ended up on her back with a thud.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Are you okay?

Roanna slowly opened her eyes. There was a man standing above her with a horrified look on his face.

“You the bicycler?” she said grimacing as she tried to sit up.

“I’m sorry I didn’t see you,” he said, nervously as he tried to help her “I was distracted by this… uh… never mind.” he mumbled and his faced turned red.

Great, all this because of a woman, she thought humorously.

“Was she worth it at least?” she asked as she slowly stood up. But she didn’t give him time to answer. “My bags!!” They were everywhere around them. She started to pick them up, and he quickly helped her glad that he didn’t have to answer. He has embarrassed himself enough for one day.

Roanna counted her bags and sighed with relief when she saw that nothing was missing. She was about to turn back to her ‘assaulter’ when the stuff of one of her bags caught her attention. There inside it laid a page that seemed to have been ripped from a magazine.  She slowly took it out and stared at it with fascination.

“Uh, it was laying near one of your bags so… I… I thought it belonged to you. But from your expression… I… I guess it didn’t.” he said, awkwardly.

She shook her head never taking her eyes from page.

“You want to know something?” she asked and without waiting for a reply she whispered “This is fate.”

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