Chapter 3

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Chloe's pov
I just woke up when all the memories from yesterday come to my head so I wake up and look for something sexy that will attract chase. I finally decided on a white dress (pic above) and did my make. I did a smokey eye and a dark red lip. I looked in the mirror and I had to say I was impressed. I ran downstairs grabbed an apple to eat on my way to school and headed out. When I reached the school parking lot  and went out of the car all the boys were giving me wolf whistles. I ignored them and interred the school corridors to find everyone staring at me, like is this gonna every morning. Then I walked to the my locker to find a lot of flower and a note that says:
I will WIN
No wonder everyone was staring at me. I collect my books for my next class, which is bio, and go to the class. When I enter I realize the only seat available is the one next to Chase and the second he sees me he stares at me. I guess the hard work of the morning paid of.

Chase's pov
I made sure the only seat available was the seat next to me so Chloe sits next to me. After a few minutes she walks in looking stunning like WOW. She looks around the class for a minute realizing that the only available seat is next to me so, she starts walking towards me when John one of the school players grabs her ass. I don't no what gets over me but I stand up and punch him in the face. Chloe obviously shocked by what's happening stops me from throwing another punch at him. Then out of no where the teacher comes in and says,"Three of you, principles office now." UGHHHH why did I have to do that now I will get suspended, oh well. I am mostly worried about  Chloe she just came to school yesterday and she's already getting send the the principles office. I look at her but she looks at me at the same time instead of shouting at me she thanks me. That I did not expect.

Chloe's pov
As we were walking to the principles office I remembered how many times I was send there in my last school. The times were uncountable, yea yea I was the bad girl bla bla bla, but the truth is I honestly didn't care. We reached the principles office and we all got a whole week of detention. The boys went back to class but I needed the rest room. I was on my way there when out of no where someone punches me on the side of my face and everything goes black.

Chase's pov
I was happy I didn't get suspended, I was walking to class alone, because Chloe went to the girls bathroom and John well I don't know where he went, when I see a boy holding an unconscious girl. I look closer to see  Chloe, SHIT!!!!!

Hey guys please comment and vote and fell free to leave any suggestions. Oh and please go read my friends book it called book of fame by Melissa evergreen,Thanks.

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