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Chloe's P.O.V

I never got nervous on dates. Never. It just wasn't how I roll, but this time, I was the image of stress. Sweaty palms, shaky knees, pacing. I still had two hours before the date, but I was already freaking out over what I was going to wear.

"Get it together!" I yelled at myself as I looked into the mirror. Music always calmed me down, so I put on my favorite playlist, which consisted of an unhealthy amount of Drake, The Weekend, Tyga, Flo Rida, and a fon of o. At a second glance in the mirror, I realized that a shower was the next step. I turned on the shower, and got in before the water was warm enough.

"Nice move." I grumbled, waiting desperately for the water to heat up. An eternity later, it did, and I washed my hair and shaved. I pawed along the wall, searching for a towel, and wrapped myself up in it. I went into my room and picked out something to wear. I chose a lacy off white top and some whitewash shorts. I put on some sandals and a teal, floral kimono. My hair, which was now only damp, was a tangled mess. Oh, the price of long hair. I wrestled with it for a good half hour before it settled in a nice, wavy curtain to my waist. I tossed it around a little, making sure it bounced back and looked cute at all angles. The natural highlights that were mixed through the darker, chocolate parts shown in the light. Pulling out my makeup bag, I did a simple look. A little eyeliner and mascara, and a lightly tinted lip color. It was actually a little bold, but it accented my tan, complexion. I shrugged.

"Good enough," I sighed. I gathered the last of my things and wandered into my living room. I sat on my couch and absentmindedly turned on some music. Often by The Weekend came on, one of my favorites, which calmed me down enough to think. The reason I was so nervous was because I really liked the guy. We had been friends for years, but we had just started to like each other as more than friends a few months ago. He was smart, funny, sarcastic (which I found super hot), tall, and sexy as hell. Like, as much as his personality was attractive, he was undeniably gorgeous. I looked myself over again, hoping that I didn't try to hard.

"He asked you." I reminded myself. That meant he liked me, at least enough to ask me out. I thought about where we were going; he had said he'd pick me up and we would have a picnic on the beach. It was mid-summer in LA, so it was too hot to go during the day. It was around sunset, perfect time for a romantic date. I looked around nervously, and noticed with surprise that I was tapping my foot, something I only did when I was crazy nervous. I stood up to stop the tapping, and immediately heard a knock at the door. My eyes widened, and my heart rushed over a beat. I gathered my bag and scampered to the door. I opened the door, and there stood my date, Ethan Dolan.

Mara's P.O.V

I was trembling with anticipation. Grayson had finally asked me out! He and Ethan had asked me and Chloe out on a double date. I raced around my apartment, making sure I was ready. I had on some cute whitewash shorts and a cute crop top. It had a palm tree print on it and was a soft blue. I put on some sandals and did my makeup. By the time I was ready, I had a full 30 minutes until he was supposed to show up.

"Great," I muttered, the nervousness I had successfully pushed out of my head flooding through my body. He was such a great guy; sweet, kind, hot. How on earth had he choose me? These thoughts whirled around my head, and I started to panic.

"Ok. Ok, calm down. You always do this." I took some deep breaths and reminded myself that we had been friends for a while. He was not the kind of guy to just leave me. Just in time, I managed to relax. The doorbell rang, and I hurried to answer it. I took one more deep breath and opened it. There he was. Grayson looked me over and his eyes lit up, as I was the most perfect thing he had ever seen. All of my previous worries were whisked away as he smiled.

"Hey, Mar-Bear," he said, sounding a little nervous.

"Hey," I mumbled as I blushed. Only he called me that, and it got me every time. He put his arm around me, pulling me into him.

"Ready?" Gray asked excitedly.

"Of course!" We walked out to the lobby.

Dolan Twins//Fanfiction - Love at LastWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu