Sunset and Candles

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Mara's P.O.V.

Gray parked the car and got out. He came over to my door and opened it for me. I blushed and took his hand. I looked around, and saw that we were at the beach we met. Oh my god! He is so sweet! He was looking at me expectantly, probably hoping I noticed.

"Gray, thank you so much! This is amazing!" I gushed.

"Anything to make you smile, Princess."

I hugged onto his arm and we walked with Chloe and Ethan up to the beach. It was mostly empty, as it was getting a little to late to surf or play in the water.

"Come on, we have something to show you." Grayson said to Chloe and I.

"Yeah, you're gonna love it!" Ethan added. "But, um, you have to wear these." He said as they pulled some blindfolds from their pockets.

We laughed and turned around. Gray carefully wrapped it around my head and tied it snuggly around me. His fingers brushed my neck and he whispered into my ear.

"Don't be scared, I've got you."He took my hand and pulled along. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped suddenly. I ran into him and he chuckled and steadied me.

"Ready?" Grayson whispered.

"Mmhm." I nodded excitedly. He carefully pulled the blindfold off, and I gasped. There in front of me was a stairway to a beautiful picnic. A path of candles lead down to a blanket covered in pillows. There was also a basket with some glasses sitting on top. I just stood there for a minute, and Grayson swooped me up bridal style and carried me down to the picnic. I giggled and hugged his neck as he set me down gently. Ethan had done the same thing for Chloe, and he placed her next to me. They both sat down and I nuzzled into Grayson's chest. He put his arm around me and stroked my hair. I slipped off my sandals.

"So, what do you think?" He mumbled into my hair.

"Oh, Gray, this is ..." I sighed.

"I'm glad you like it, Mar-Bear," Grayson smiled. I looked over at Chloe. She was lying on Ethan the same way I was, and she looked so happy. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She closed her eyes and snuggled into his side.

"Like it? I can't think of anything better." I looked into Grayson's eyes and he kissed my forehead.

Chloe's P.O.V.

I pulled my sandals off and tossed them into the sand. I lay on Ethan's chest and he leaned into the pillows. Ethan was quietly sliding his hand onto my thigh, and I laughed quietly. I could smell his cologne, and it was really putting me in the mood. I breathed deeper, and grabbed at his shirt a little. Grayson sat up, and I dropped Ethan's shirt.

"Champagne anyone?" Gray asked. Mara nodded and he handed her a glass. He poured some for himself and took a sip. "Ethan? Chloe?"

"Sure," we said at the same time. He handed us some glasses and I took a sip. The sweet little bubbles tickled my throat. Ethan shifted a little and pulled me back to him. I twirled my finger around the rim of my glass.

"You are so perfect. I don't even know why you said yes." He said quietly.

"Are you serious? I'm perfect? Look at you! I could never turn you down!" I shook my head.

"Well, whatever the reason, you did say yes, and I'm gonna make you happy you did."

"You already did," I laughed and he grabbed my thigh again.

I looked up at the dusky sky. The clouds were soft and fluffy. They reminded me of cotton candy; they were the same light pink color.

He looked into the sunset, the water glistening with the last of the sun. "Pink puffs in the blue sky," He mumbled.

"Perfect, like you and I," I finished with a soft smile. He kissed my forehead, looking down into my eyes. His were a deep, woodland green. I could look forever. They were a million times more beautiful than any sunset.

Dolan Twins//Fanfiction - Love at LastWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu