Chapter 3 - 7/11

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Selena's P.O.V:

"Great party!" My friend shouted over the music, I looked at her. "But why are you having a party?"

"Because, Jason is back!" I shouted over the music, "where is he?!" Kat pointed at the stairs, "I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay," she said. I turned and ran up the stairs, I ran into my room. He was no where to be seen, I sat down on my bed and looked at the picture of him and me. I smiled, it was the day before he left. I stood up and left the room.

"Jason?!" I asked knocking on the door of the bathroom, "it's me. Selena, are you okay?" The door unlocked and the door opened, "what's wrong?" Jason had tears falling down his face, I wrapped my arms around him. He began to cry on my shoulder. 

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