Chapter 35

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^ I just I would share this song! I find it funny and something to listen to while reading this!

Joey's POV

Abbey and I got back from the mall, I got a galaxy case and Abbey got a Grumpy Cat case.

"Thank you Daddy!" She squealed hugging me. I put my keys in my pocket.

"You're welcome." I chuckled.

I opened the door and went inside.

"Phillip! Daniel!" I called setting my keys on the table.

"Yeah!" Daniel replied from the living room.

"Where's Phillip?"

"In the backyard throwing his football up and down."


"Look at My new case Dad!" Abbey said showing him her case.

"Aww that's so cute."

"Well I'm going to go film a video upstairs." I sighed.

Abbey's POV

I sat down next to Daniel and played on my phone.

"Abbey, can you come toss the ball with me?"

"Not now!" I said.

"Please?" He said walking up next to me.

"You're mean!" He said hitting me with his football.
I smacked him back and he tackled me.

"QUIT IT YOU TWO!!" Daniel said.


I sighed and obeyed.

A few minutes later he came in.

"You're grounded for a week!"


"No buts, now hand over your phone." He said holding his hand out.

I gave him my phone and he put it in his pocket.

*A month later*

Phillip's POV

It's been a couple of days since a new girl named "Stacy" was a new kid at school.
She's pretty cool and she likes PewDiePie and Markiplier! She's a tomboy.

"So Phillip do you want to come over this weekend and spend the night, my mom doesn't mind." Stacy asked taking a bite of her apple.

"I have to ask my Dads."

"Well I have a computer, X-box, and A Wii."


"Yeah, when my Dad walked out on me and my Mom, she's tries to give me the best, I'm not spoiled though."
The Bell rang and I headed back to class.

When I got home that day I put my book bag In my room.

"Dad?" I said walking up to Joey,who was making me a snack.

"What is it bud?"

"Can I spend the night at my Friend, Stacy's house? She said her Mom doesn't mind."

"I have to talk with her mom first."

I took put my phone and texted Stacy to see if Our parents could talk on the phone. She agreed and I called her and handed the Phone to Joey.

They talked and both agreed.

A/N Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter will just be the sleep over!

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