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Aphmaus P.O.V
I wake up we have school today so I get ready. I take a shower. Put my hair up in a bun and put on a navy blue t-shirt and some black pants and some gold convers. I eat and there is a knock on the door. It was a police officer. "Are you Aphmau?" He says with a note in his hand "Yes. Why is there something wrong?" I ask suspiciously "Your parents were found dead in a ditch. I'm sorry for your loss" he says giving me the note to me. He walks off and I shut the door. When he said those words my heart dropped. I run upstairs and shut the door I have an hour till school and I don't think that I will come out of my room anytime soon.

Garroths P.O.V
I was already and I look out of my window and see Aphmau crying. I grab my bag and jump on the tree outside of my window and slide down I see that zane is in the bathroom because he is not in his room. I go to Aphmaus house. When I get there I knock on the door. She answers it and she is in tears my instincts react immediately. I found myself hugging her. She eventually hugs back. "Aphmau whats wrong?" I say very quietly in her ear "I-I just found out that my parents are d-....... dead" she has pulling back and I let go. "It's ok I lost my mom and Lunar has no parents either" I say trying not to make things worse. "It's ok I'm..... fine" she says. I hope she will be ok I leave after making sure she is ok. When I walk oitside I see Lunar and Zane are waiting for me. I see Zane has a sad/mad face. He must be jealous. We walk to school and then after we get there Aphmau arrives shortly after then she pulls Lunar aside and then I see them walk off together. I really hope Aphmau will be ok

Sorry i haven't been posting i jave been really busy i will post new chapters whenever i can and there will be a new character so please answer the questions below


Hair color

Eye color

Short background story

The new person will be updated in the next couple of chapters

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