Aphmaus POV
It was sunset and we were in the woods. We aren't doing much except for walking around and looking for clues. That is until we heard a rustle in a bush. "Who's there?" I asked on cue a girl with a white dress and black hair covering her face came out and made some weird noise. I glanced at Rosie and she looked terrified but at the same time ready to fight if she needed to, I on the other hand was completely terrified I had no clue what to do. I hated this feeling. She came towards us and we backed away. "Hey!" We heard someone call the mystery girl turned around and focused on the persin. That person happened to be..... Lunar. She pulled out a knife and the girl ran towards her. The knife turned into a rope with blades spread equally through out the circle. She doged the girl, caught her with the rope and gave a quick, yet hard, tug and it fell down she ran up to it and put her hands on the girls shoulder and she was gone. But a light orb replaced her place, Lunar made a fist and held it out and slowly went in her ring. She then ran to us, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" She asked, concern filling up her voice. "We're fine" Rosie said. We wanted to ask her what that was but decided not to. We walked home in silence and we all went to bed.