The Letter In The Bottle

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Plage Nord, Lacanau, France
March 18,2018

I peacefully watched as the perfect waves hit the beach's surface. The clouds were all over the sky but that didn't change the beauty of the ocean. To me the ocean was my favorite place to go to. Not many people were out on the ocean, but I liked go go at least three times a week. It helps me think there and relax.

I rolled up my slightly baggy pants and put my feet in the cold water. I preferred the hot ocean water but I didn't mind. I closed my eyes and felt my mind go blank. I had my moment of peace. What sucks is sometimes people never find there moment of peace. But I find it all the time when I'm at the ocean.

I felt relaxed and right as I opened my eyes I felt something hit my cold left foot.

A bottle.

I confusingly picked up the glass wine bottle and walked to shore. I sat down on the sand that is away from the water before trying to open it. I tried to grip and yank out the cork to take out what was inside but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying about five more times, and I was about to give up but I finally got it on my sixth try.

When the cork finally got out it felt cold, the same as the ocean.

Well yea, Matthew, of course it's going to be cold like the ocean. It was in the ocean.

I ignored my thoughts as I took out a white rolled piece of paper. My first thought was I found a message in a bottle. I never thought I would've found one though because I thought no one did those anymore. Those are like what pirates did or something.

I carefully unrolled the piece of paper and saw the light writing it had on it. The handwriting looked like a professional had wrote it. I started to read the note.

January 10,2016

Hello, whoever found my bottle and this note. My name is Devera Smifez and I am 16 years old. I live in New York close to Rogers Beach. I just wanted to put this bottle and note out here so someone would see my last thing I left before I am dead. If your reading this I probably am already dead, but I just wanted to say never let the darkness envelope you like I let it do me. There is always a light in the darkness, but I just never welcomed it. I hope you enjoy life and live it like I never could do. Keep my message in a bottle safe.

Devera Smifez

I stared shocked at the note. It took me a couple more times to read it until I realized the girl committed suicide. I never even knew the girl, but I felt bad for her. All I know her by is just some message in a bottle.

But what if the girl isn't actually dead?

Of course the girl was dead. Its been two years, I'm pretty sure if she wanted to do it she would've done it already.

But a part of my brain wanted to confirm that she was dead. I knew it was stupid but what if I find out if she is still alive. I know she probably isn't still alive but why not.

If she is still alive maybe I can meet her and tell her I found her bottle? Also, what if the girl is about to kill herself and I save her like they do in the american movies?

"Dépêchez-vous de votre allez être en retard, Matthew!" My sister said walking towards me.

"D'accord!" I said replying back to her in French.

"Mon dieu votre 19 et im 17 et je me sens comme le plus ancien,"My sister said in a low voice, but I could still hear her clearly.

I gave a chuckle as we went to our cheap car.

In the back of my mind, I decided I did want to find out if she was dead or not. So it looked like I were going to America soon.


French-Dépêchez-vous de votre allez être en retard, Matthew
English- Hurry up you will be late, Matthew
French-Mon dieu votre 19 et im 17 et je me sens comme le plus ancien
English- My god, your 19 and im 17 and I feel like the oldest

Sorry if your french and I said it wrong or something, I used google translate all the way.

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