Ch.2 / Falling Petals

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Skye's P.O.V.

Alex's mother is really sweet. I don't get how she could put up her sons, the biggest "bad-boys" at Truman High. Also, why was Alex so nice to me? Maybe he already can't put up with me and just wants me to get better so I can leave, I know for as long as I can remember that I can barely put up with myself. After she told me to take a shower to get rid of all the dirt and mud, Alex's mom was checking everything - my weight, if my menstrual cycle was on track, and then, sadly, my blood pressure. She told me to take off her son's hoodie, so I obeyed. It was awkward, but she was a doctor I guess. The "sadly" part was that she saw the cuts and scars on my wrists. She looked me in the eye and said, "Dear ... do you self-harm?"

I didn't answer, I just took the blanket off my legs and showed her the cuts on them too. She knew the answer. She asked me what kind of clothes I wear, and I replied by saying, "a simple black tank top and jeans".

She kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I've only known this lady for about an hour or so, but she feels like she really cares about me, just like a mother. I wouldn't really know about parents, my father left before I was born, and my mother left when I was 4. I was adopted 3 times, so I guess no one likes me, eh? Mrs. Shay comes back in, giving me the clothes with a smile. I weakly smile back at her, and once she leaves the room, I go and get changed. I lay on the bed, sighing, closing my eyes until I hear a knock at the guest door.

"Skylar, may I come in?".

I open my eyes quickly, trying to recognize the voice. "Uhh.. sure?" A guy walks in, I immediately knew the guy. Xian Ok - the nerd I had a crush on in grade 6.

"Oh, h-hey Xian" I say quietly. I watch him sit down on the bed, looking at me, well, more like studying me. "Hyperacusis", he said finally.

"Excuse me?" I've never told anyone that I've had Hyperacusis ... it would make me a bigger freak then I currently am.

"Hyperacusis", he repeated. "You have it".

I hesitated. "How did you know?"

He gave me a nervous smile, the smile I always loved. "Lucky guess? I also know you used to have a crush on me in grade 6, that's really sweet of you Skylar."

I blush, reaching over to the bedside table and putting on my contacts. He brought his cute panda backpack that I've been jealous of. He opens it and pulls out an iPod. Wait.. my iPod?

"Where the hell did you get that??" I stare at him.

"Alex called me saying that he found you in a forest, so I went to go check it out to see if you left anything behind ... your uhh ... clothes and iPod were left behind almost a mile away. Your clothes were completely shredded and destroyed ... but your iPod seemed fine, just a few minor scratches. Thought you might want it".

He hands it to me and walks out of the room. I watch him leave, then I turn on the iPod. I hear two people quietly talking, and then Alex and Xian walk into the guest room together.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Alex says, holding a Bluetooth speaker. I snapped at both of them, "Why do you care? Xian, you haven't for the past 11 years. And Alex, you didn't even remember me, and I'm in your Art and Math class almost every day!" Alex pauses, then says "That's not true,I do remember you". I roll my eyes a little, "Alright". He mumbles under his breath, something about periods.

I turn my Bluetooth on, connecting to his speaker. I put "You Me At Six (ft. Oli Sykes) - Bite My Tongue" on. "Whenever I feel like crap, this song usually comforts me, sometimes in a bad way" I told them.

"I hate to break it to you but, You're just a lonely star. I try to bring you down but, A level isn't good enough.You always do as you please so I'm gonna follow suit and take a seat. And watch you fall apart (watch you fall apart). 'Cause in the end, Who are you without me?"

 I winced a little, turning it down a bit, but I sing along with Josh Franceschi. Alex smiles, and Xian looked nervous again.

"Well then, I'm gonna go" Xian says, giving us his nervous smile.

"Bye X"

"Bye Xian".

He gets his bag, and gives us a casual salute, leaving us to "You Me At Six".

"You keep me on the edge of my seat, I bite my tongue so you don't hear me. I wanna hate every part of you in me, I can't hate the ones who made me"

Alex joined in, singing with me. He takes my iPod out of my hands, looking for another song. He smiles when he finds one.

"Whenever I feel like crap, this song makes me motivated".

He plays a song that I've never heard before called "Asking Alexandria - Undivided". He sings along when it starts.

"I told you once and I won't say it again, you never meant a thing to me, a means to an end. If we can't change the past then why should we care? I don't give a fuck if you're here or you're there! Your God damn beliefs have made you go blind, your ego, your fame they have poisoned your mind"

I was watching him singing, and I saw he was blushing. I smile at him, humming while he's singing and screaming with Denis.

"So take take take all your memories, cause I don't want them and I don't need them so stay stay stay the hell away from me! The truth is I'm moving on"

"Thanks for my new favourite song," I said, smiling like an idiot and taking my iPod back from him.

He grins, "No problem, at least someone likes my taste in music. Now get some sleep, school's tomorrow".

He turns off the music, kisses my forehead and leaves the room. That was really weird. I take off my iPod case, seeing my razor falling out. I wait for all the lights to go off, which didn't take long and I let out a shaky breath. I consider just going to bed, but the ache was overwhelming. I started to shake, closing my eyes and trying to control my breathing. I quickly run the blade against my leg until I notice my blood. I try not to make start hyperventilating and instead get a tissue, wiping the blood off the best I can and then try to get some sleep. I have no idea what tomorrow is gonna bring.

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