The Past Is Never Pretty

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Mary Margaret is having a very bad dream.

She is in a room with three men who are surrounding her. They force her to get on her knees. They all pull their pants down and begin forcing her to pleasure them. They are making all kinds of lewd comments about her and what they want from her.

The even more disturbing part of he dream comes when Mary Margaret lifts her head and sees David. He is yanking on her hair and making her take him deeper.

"You like that, don't ya. You little slut." he says.

"No." she cries out. "Please, don't make me do this. I don't want it this way."

"That's too bad because I am going to deep throat you and then I am going to fuck you until you can't even walk." David says.

Suddenly, Mary Margaret wakes up from her dream. She is sweating and taking in heavy breaths.

The next morning, Mary Margaret is walking down the main street when se is grabbed by Victor and his two thugs.

"Ahhh! Let me go!" she yells.

"Hold her down." he shouts.

The men grab her and drop her to her knees.

"Hold her still." Victor says.

"Please, don't do this to me." she cries.

"Your Prince Charming is not going to save you from this. You know why? Because I am sure he knows, just what we all know. That your nothing more than a skinny, little whore." Victor explains. "If you aren't going to live up to your reputation as a whore, then we're just going to have to take away your appeal." He leans down to her ear and whispers. "We're going to make you less desirable."

"Please stop." she cries.

"Do it." Victor says.

Mary Margaret is crying tears of fear and frustration. Just when she thinks they are about to have their way with her, she sees some of her hair fall to the ground.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Hold her still."

"No, don't."

They keep cutting away at her hair, until her hair is so short, it is pixie like.

They then leave her there crying.

Soon, David comes walking down the street when he see Mary Margaret sitting on the ground, crying.

"Mary Margaret!"

He runs over to her. He lowers himself down to get a look at her. He sees that all of her hair had been cut off.

"Mary Margaret?" he lifts her chin to make her look at him.

"Look at me. Are you alright?" he asks.

"No. They cut my hair."

"Who did? Who did this to you?"

All she can do is look at him with pain and tears in her eyes.

Victor and his guys are at The Rabbit Hole bar. David walks in and sees them. He walks over and grabs Victor by the should turning him around. David punches Victor in the jaw.

"You son of a bitch!" David shouts. "I told you what would happen if you touched her again."

Victor stops the other two men from interfering.

"That's alright boys." Victor says. "Apparently, Mr. Nolan hasn't clued in to what we all know."

"What are you talking about?" David asks. "Why did you cut her hair? What does that accomplish?"

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