chapter sixteen

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Luke winced, the loud bang of his back hitting his locker rang through the empty hallway, bits of lectures muffling through the door as he stared up into Ashton's hazel eyes. He was glaring down at the blond boy as he gripped his shoulder so he couldn't move, it was all a bit uncomfortable for Luke.

"What the fuck are you doing, Luke?" Ashton yelled, slamming his hand on the locker right beside his head, he flinches as his head starts pounding.

"A-Ashton, please stop," he trembled, his bottom lip quivering as his eyes glossed over. "You're supposed to be my best friend,"

They both knew their friendship was over when the rumors of Luke spread through the hallways of their high school. All the years, deteriorating right in front of his eyes and he had to watch it crumble. It broke his heart.

"Fucking bullshit!" He yelled, taking deep breaths trying not to completely strangle Luke. "You fucking played us!"

"Played who?"

"Calum! And.... And me!" Ashton mumbled, putting his hand over Luke's head, "you took Calum's best friend away and you left me!"

Anger boiled through Luke's veins as he pushed Ashton off of him and stood up to his full height. "I took Calum's best friend? Fucking funny! He took my pride and my sanity, Michael left him I didn't fucking take shit away from him.  Fuck you, Ashton, you're the one that ruined our friendship. You became a dick and dragged me to parties I had no interest in. Fuck you!"

The next thing Luke remembered was blood pouring out his nose as he looked down at his hands, covered in blood. Blood always made him queasy and when he saw the amount that was dripping on the floor, on his converse and on his hands, nothing could stop him from passing out.

short but i hope this explained some things. important chapter ;-)

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