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(not edited yikes)

"You fucking weirdo, get off me!" Luke whined, pushing his hands over his face as Michael straddled him, tickling his sides so giggles would come out.

"No, no, no you're too cute. So fucking cute." Michael laughed, a heavy breath escaping his lips as he leaned down and pecked his lips. "Mine, my Skywalker."

"Hmm," Luke giggled, his tongue peeking through his mouth, his dimple coming out. "You're a trash bag. Heart eye emoji, fire emoji, trash emoji."

Michael pouted, his pink lip sticking out as he slowly pushed his lips against Luke's pale skin. "I'm trash?" He asked, trailing his kisses down. Luke batted his eyelashes, looking up with big blue eyes as he smiled really big.

"You're my trashcan, if that makes you feel better." He laughed, leaning up and connecting both of their lip.

Michael smiled aganist his lips, their eyelashes brushing aganist one another. "Of course it does-"

"Hey guys, I brought McDonald's. Woah, okay, I'll just awkwardly walk myself out." Calum laughed, one foot in the doorway, one in the hallway; ready to make his escape. The door slammed, followed by heavy footsteps.

"Hey! I want food!" Luke shrieked, pushing Michael off of him and flinging the door open and chasing the tanned boy down their hallway. Luke was only in Star Wars boxers and secretly hoped Calum didn't bring Ashton with him, considering that things were still tight between them.

Luke always had the worst luck, there he was, in the flesh, both of their cheeks heating up when the met eyes. Michael slowly came up behind his fiancé. Putting a hand on his back and leading him to sit him on the couch. The air was thick with tension and well.... Fast food? Calum just smirked, throwing fries around the room, poking Ashton's side and all in all; just being an annoying shit.

"So, Star Wars, anyone?" Luke creaked, raising his hand and cracking a sheepish smile.

"Fuck!" Luke screamed, "right there! It's right there, Michael!"

"I'm trying!" The red haired boy screamed, tapping his fingers as fast as he could, all four of the boys screaming at him to try harder. They were playing Galaga. Taking turns on an old arcade player. A heavy moan came out Michael's mouth as he beat everyone's high score. "Ah, fuck."

"What the fuck just happened?"

Everyone sighed, Ashton and Calum laughing their asses off while Michael and Luke gave each other a peck. "Ready to go to bed?"


"Luke, I'm sorry." Ashton spoke, soft words dripping like water out of his mouth. Worry lines wrinkled in his forehead as he stared at the blond. "I'm sorry for fucking you over, leaving you, betraying you. Best friends aren't supposed to do that. I'm sorry. I love you."

"I don't- I don't know. I'm sorry. I can't."

"Y'know, I'm so glad we're in college." Luke sighed, melting into Michael's chest as they laid in Luke's twin size mattress. Both of the boys squished up so the blond ended up on top of him. "No more drama, or tears, or anger."

"Me too," Michael laughed, mouth muffled by pillows and Luke. "So glad you're mine still."

"I'll always be yours." Luke giggled, pecking his lips.

"I love you."

"I know- I love you too."

Luke is crying, tightly gripping Michael's hand, their silver wedding bands clinking together, another hand is clasped over his mouth as the orphanage director guides them around. Luke can't stop the tears from flowing as he look at all the kids running around, crying, laughing, and arguing.

There's a little girl, sat in the corner, black hair and knobby knees. She looks way too skinny and way too sad for a kid. Luke lets out a little whimper and starts crying again. "Oh for good God, Michael." He cries, covering his sniffles.

"Oh for good God, Luke." His husband just rolls his eyes, pushing his husband over to the little girl and staying back to talk to the lady.

"Hi, my name is Luke," the blond crouches down, praying his black skinny jeans don't rip. He hands a doll over to her, fiddling with the plastic as she winces and scoots back. "What's yours?"

She looks up, big hazel eyes staring right at Luke. "Cameron."

"Jesus Christ, Michael, we have a kid. We can't have In-N-Out everyday." Luke mutters as he unbuckles his seatbelt and get their child out of her booster seat

"Of course we can! Why would we be able to?" The now brunette rolls his eyes, taking grab of Cameron's hand as she threatens to stray off.

"It's not healthy. We're setting a bad example." He grumbles, pushing the door open as Michael grabs his hand.

"Okay, super Dad. Keep telling that to your salted caramel mocha gelato in the freezer." He laughs, stepping up and ordering.

They all sit down, the booths are sticky and it's loud but they're okay. All of them stuffing their faces with greasy fries. Luke and Michael make eye contact, the blond blushing as he looks away. A giggle comes from their six year old daughter, a large grin on her messy face.

"So, what's next?"

"Oh hush it, Honey. This is the last place we're going if Darth Daddy over here doesn't force us into GameStop and Target like he does everytime." Luke rolls his eyes, sipping some of his Sprite.

"I am so in love with you."

"Y'know, I would hope so." Luke laughs.

"You're supposed to reply with something cheesy so we can be hashtag goals."

"I know."

"Are you quoting Star Wars? The part where Princess Leia says 'I love you' to Han and he replies 'I know'?"

"You're ruining the cheesy moment. I thought that's what you wanted."

"Oh! Sorry. I'm getting old." Michael's grins, taking a bite of his burger.

"May the force be with you, stupid motherfucker."


The End (for real this time)

This took me like a week to write lol.
I can do an epilogue part two. I'm thinking about it.
Okay that's all thank u for reading I love u all don't delete this from ur library.

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