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The moon shines brightly, illuminating the ocean, making everything appear a shade of gray. It is a late hour in the night; the waves are violent, crashing farther against the beach than they ever do. The winds fight against anything subjected to it, battering the face of anyone who dare sail tonight. A small boat, manned by a scraggly, dark haired seaman dares to sail them, making it to be the easiest task in The world. But of course, he'd been fighting the waves for as long as he'd remember.

The only other person in the boat was a small girl, only twelve years old. She was sprawled across the wooden planks, unfazed by the violent rocking. She'd passed out from exhaustion hours before. Her servants' clothing were soaked and worn from months of work on a ship. Her pitch black hair was in a tangled black mess and her breathing was labored. The waves grew gentler as land approached. The man pulled the boat to shore, staggering on the sand. He stopped, standing half out of the now still boat.

His dark eyes fell upon her limp figure. Deep down, a melancholy feeling tugged at his stomach. The girl had grown on him in the time they'd relied on one another to survive. He wanted to keep her around. To make sure she was alright. But a good pirate did not have anyone to protect. Not a person in the world to care about but himself and his treasure.

"And anyways," he thought. "She'll be safe here."

The pirate hoisted her out of the water, onto the shore, where the waves would lap at the girl's feet. He glanced at her one more time before whispering, "Goodbye, Evangeline."

Simply walked away. Getting back in the boat and sailing back to who knows where. In the morning, Evangeline would awake surrounded by islanders, who found her on the beach of Port Royal groaning for a man named Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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