Chapter one

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Alana's pov

Today was me and my brother, Matt's, first day of school. Since the elementary school and the high school are on another packs territory, and we're rouges we have to mask our scent.

Luckily our house is about a mile out of that packs territory. Not much but we don't live on it. Therefore we aren't trespassing. You see my brother is six. And I'm sixteen.

We lost our parents when he was five and I was fifteen. After that we left the pack because the Alpha was going to make me mate with his son. Even though I'm not his mate. I'm sixteen now, and I don't want a mate. Or a pack.

My brother understands that we can't go back. Even though it was hard at first to get a five year old to leave with me, but we made it.

I decided when he turns ten I'll tell him.

I found a group of rouges when I first escaped and they trained me. They even trained Matt just not as intense as me. And now we're here.

I was walking with Matt to drop him off at his school. He was starting third grade. It was March but I had been homeschooling him. He actually is incredibly smart since one he's a wolf and two I didn't know anything about grade levels so I enrolled him.

We also live alone. Because all of our relatives live in our old pack the Red Moon Pack, the second most powerful pack in the country. The first is the Golden Moon Pack which also happens to be the pack that the school is on.

Hopefully our scents are masked good enough. Thats one of the things the group of rouges trained me and Matt to do. When we got there I stopped him. "Remember only make friends with the humans. Just because they can't smell you, you can smell them." He nodded and gave me hug and said bye. Before I could leave a werewolf woman stopped me.

"Your son is so cute." She said. I guess she thought he was my son or something. How old do I look?

I had a slim body, blue eyes, And dirty blonde hair. Some people thought I was eighteen. Maybe that woman was just weird. I didn't feel like correcting her so I smiled and thanked her and walked away.

The schools weren't that far from each other too. As I got there I noticed there were more werewolves than humans. But I didn't have anything to worry about. My old pack was halfway across the country and enemies with this pack, which is why we came here.

If that woman thought I was human then my scent is masked pretty good.

I walked towards the school not really caring if I made friends or not. Matt and I never stay in one place for too long. Depending on how things go the latest we'll stay is sometime of summer. But we usually make a lot of enemies. I was walking towards the office when a hot guy stopped me.

'Mate mate.' My wolf howled.

'Don't get attached you know I don't want a mate.'

"Shit" I mumbled. I know he heard but he's supposed to think I'm human. So I need to act like I don't know anything.

"So I'm gonna ask you a question." He said. "You smell human but my wolf is telling me otherwise. Why is that?"

I shrugged and tried to play it off, but somehow I let my guard down, and my scent was no longer masked. He sniffed his eyes going wide.

Yep, he found out I'm a rouge. And the bad thing is, his scent is covered in alpha. So he's the future alpha because you have to graduate high school. Which also means my mate is an alpha and I'm a rouge. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a closet.

"Tell me rouge. What are you doing here?"

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