Chapter 6

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I sit here in this room wondering why the hell my life is...well you know hell?! I'm on bad terms still with Carter call me stubborn but is it worth talking about? Obviously his lying ways are still showing and I don't want to be the girl that says yeah he cares for me OH! Don't forget he lies to me every chance he gets. I had enough of that in my life I think dating for me is just not in my plans right now. Dating...Loving...Guys...Not Me....

Carter's entire family was sitting in the hospital with me they kept asking the doctors questions. Literally I just wanted to walk out this stupid hospital I didn't care about my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Carter in the corner just staring at me like he was upset.

"Hello Ms. Mylen I am Dr. Sio I patched up your shoulder" He gracefully smiled

"Hello" I said very quietly

"Listen this shoulder of yours will be very tender for the next several weeks. So that means working is out of the question. You'll need lots of rest and I already have your medicine ready to go. Do you have any questions?" He looked at me with hopefulness

"No...I just want to leave" I told him

"I understand, I hope to see you in a few week to do a follow up. Have a speedy recovery Ms. Mylen" He smiled and walked out the room

"Jhene it's time you come home to's not safe for you and we can help you" Mr. Bassano said while looking very concerned

"I can handle myself, I've been doing this on my own I don't need you guys help!" I felt tears rushing

"Why won't you guys just leave me alone. Everyone that comes in my life leaves anyway so I'll do fine with my shoulder and I'll find somewhere to live." I wiped my face

"Nonsense! Jhene you are one stubborn girl but I will not have this type of behavior be accepted towards me. Whether you like it or not you are apart of this family now and we will stop at nothing to protect you. We will gather your things and bring you to your new home." With that said him and Spencer got my things and I couldn't even say anything because everything he said was true

"Uh...Jhene can we talk for a sec?" Carter rubbed the back of his neck while looking at his shoes

"About?" I said in a short breath

"Us? ...I want to explain myself and I need to apologize for my recklessness towards you. I wasn't trying to hurt you." The guilt I could see showering his strong jawline face

"Carter I don't..." He suddenly cut me off

"Dammit! Jhene listen to me! Listen to someone for once in your life! Yes I messed up but I'm trying to take responsibility for what I did at that party. You've been through a lot of shit and I had no right to add on to it. I don't know where we stand but I know I will fight for you." He looked at me and walked out the room

I felt so crazy for acting the way I did but then again I can't stand Tanya. This doesn't mean that I'm going to be open arms to him. He's gonna have to work to earn my trust...before he even thinks I'm a give him any love this way. I was let go from the hospital and of course I had to ride in the car with Carter. The car ride was silent as a still summer day.

We got to the house and Carter went to reach over to unfasten my seatbelt but I told him no I got it. I let him know I didn't need any of his assistance. I walked into the house where there was a special cake and balloons waiting on me. I was shocked because I haven't seen a cake for any special occasion that pertained to me. I walked over and it read welcome to your new family Jhene. I smiled a little and thanked everyone for trying to make me comfortable. I think the painkillers were really starting to kick in I felt really sleepy.

I sat on the couch. I heard Carter coming into the living room he asked me did I need anything? I replied with a soft no. I think somewhere in between I fell asleep on the couch I felt him pick me up and carry me to his room I believed.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you Jhene" He said

"I promise to always look after you" He kissed my forehead and pull the covers over me

A few hours later**********

I walked around in some empty room it seemed like and I saw the masked man coming in the room. I didn't understand why he wouldn't leave me alone.

"Why are you attacking me?! Leave me alone!" I yelled at the man

"You can't just run away from me like that I will have you at my will" He laughed as he touched my sobbing face I tried to pull away from him but it was no use

I felt the coldness in the object he had I'm guessing was a gun....I was petrified beyond my life. What was I suppose to do?!

"No! No! No! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed so loud that I woke myself up and I began to cry

Spencer and Carter bust in the room on kill mode ready for anything that was harmful to me.

"Jhene what's going on?!?!" Carter looked infuriated

"I had a nightmare this masked man was trying to kill me and he wouldn't let me go. I couldn't find any of you guys" I wiped my eyes

"Jhene it's okay we got you nothing is here" Carter held onto me. I didn't want him to let me go ever.

"We will get through this together nobody is ever leaving your side" He kissed my forehead

I was grateful to have everybody around me. Lord knows only where would I be if I hadn't run into Carter at all. Eventually time went on and my shoulder healed I was making progress with moving it again. I was still working at the book store even though Carter didn't like me working there. I couldn't understand why? But I brushed it off as his jealousy was getting the best of him.

I've been working like crazy I've basically work 7 days a week. Man let me tell you I've never been so tired till I realized it was taking a toll on me. I got home and literally crashed right there on the couch I heard everybody laughing and talking. I would join them but my body was on slumped mode. Maybe I need a vacation..........

Should Jhene give Carter another chance?
Who is the masked man in her nightmare?
What vacation spot should they all go to?

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