1. First Day of being an official senior

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Dans POV:
It's not much fun being the youngest kid in your grade and having to try to fit in. I'm not very smart either. I'm friends with a bunch of kids that are the same as me also. My teachers are looking forward to ask my parents to get me a tutor but I can't. My parents are as you like to call, drug dealers.

My past hasn't been such a wanted, memorable one either. My family isn't really my family either, at least well, my parents don't make it seem that way. Ever since I was just a young boy they would never let me see my uncles, aunts or my cousins or, well, any of them. They thought they would be a "bad" influence on me but really, they all were so nice to me and my parents didn't want them to smell the alcohol and abuse falling from their every breath they took because they would do something about it.

I haven't had much interest in school since I was young also. I've been called emo so much and also bullied there. Until I found my type of group. As I would like to call, "my get-a-away".

After a few months ago my world changed for the worse and everyone could tell. My mom died from a tragic incident and ever since that night our lives went from bad. To worse.


Today is the first day of 12th grade and I'm not really looking forward to it, of course. It hurts knowing my own mother won't be there but then again, she wasn't really any better from my dad. Except I could actually tell her stuff but my emotions would come out and she would just...leave.

I wake up to my alarm clock as it starts beeping. I could of fucking smacked it against the wall but I chose not to.

Of course, knowing me I stayed in bed for about 10 minutes just nearly getting the strength to get up. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I probably smells like death as last night I drunk maybe a little to much at my friend Pj's house. Oops. And shortly after I run my hands through my hair just enough so it looks "okay" I guess.

I pick out some clothes out of my drawer and go change. Soon to straighten my hair and leave for school. Luckily my house wasn't too far away from school so I didn't have to ride the bus anymore and deal with people shoving me most of the time.

I check my phone and of course no texts because all of my friends.. Oh wait, they only text me when they need shit from me.

I put in my earphones and turn it all the way up in my ears as its Mercy by Kanye West because let's face it. He has some rock ass music.

As I reach the school I can already feel attention to me from other people. I chew my lip as I feel so nervous coming back to this hellhole today. "Hey Dan" Pj appears with a smile, slightly I smile back also seeing what I gave him on his neck from last nights party. "Hey Pj, what's up?" I smile back. "Oh nothing really, are you excited about today Danny?"
First off what kind of question is that, I mean we've known each other for a long time but then I see he starts laughing as I find out he is only just kidding because fuck, of course he knows this is the last place I want to be right now.

I head off to my first class seeing that I know where every class is already because I have always been the teachers pet around here so I go everywhere for them. We sit down and start learning right away and my head is already hurting because I have never known exactly what the fuck I need to learn. My mind drifts away shortly after the lesson starts wondering the stupidest things I could possibly ever think of. My mind immediately snaps back into reality when I see a tall, black haired boy who enters the room with the guidance counselor right behind. I see a whisper from the teacher to the councilor a few times but I quickly forget they exist and even the world as I just stare right at the boy, I've never seen him before but damn, he is hot.

"Mr. Dan Howell!" Mrs Wright yells and I snap back into reality once again. "Oh s-sorry Mrs Wright um yes?" I startled, damn it. "Will you please make this new boy feel welcome here. He is new and needs a new friend so we thought you could be his "guider" around school, it seems you both have most classes together anyways. So, are you up for it?" I nod and watch the new kid sit right beside me biting my lip once again looking up and down his form.

"Um, hello Dan. My name is Phil, Phil Lester" he says kinda uncomfortably as I think he notices me watching his every move. "Hello Phil. Glad to meet you." We shake hands which his is really cold but somehow mine fits around his perfectly. Well this is going to be a weird start to a new year.

Okay okay. This is my first official Dan and Phil book and I don't really know how this is going to go so. Hopefully you all love it! I'll also try to update maybe either once a day or once a week. If it gets big than I'll try super hard on it for you guys. Thank you so much also! And if you guys think that it needs some work done (I mean i know it does, like a lot but anyways) if you feel like you could possibly help me with this than you obviously can! That would be really helpful also! Ok! Thanks so much guys xoxo XD

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