2. Bully? Tutoring??

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-Next Week-

Dans POV:

Second week into school, great. I guess it's not to bad saying Phil and Pj are the only ones to make me laugh here.

"Dan, can I come in?" I heard Phil say from the other side of the bathroom door. I fix my hair real fast and put on some cologne and get my book bag. I open the door to see those perky but cute shades of three colored eyes and instantly my day was better. It's been a week but I feel like he is one of my closest friends and I don't become attached to anyone that fast. "Dan, calm down we have fourty-five minutes until school starts and it takes  ten minutes to get there. Why are you in such a hurry?" Phil says. I look at the time and back at my book bag and started to laugh as I noticed that I actually got up early today. I look back around grinning "oh y-yeah sorry Philly" I start laughing at the nickname that I just called him. He gives me an evil eye and I choke on my words. "Oh, um I take it you don't like that name?" I ask sounding curious. "No I don't like it at all" he says back. I start grinning "Well, guess someone is gonna have to get use to Dan saying it"

I let him come in as we have a long time until we actually have to leave. It's quiet for awhile as I soon felt awkward I spoke up "You want something for breakfast Philly?" He looked back over with the death glare and gladly smiled "Yes, I'll take your favorite cereal. Um what was it called again?" I rolled my eyes and groaned of course he would do that I talked about my favorite cereal to him before. Don't ask why either. I get up and start heading for the cabinet but soon hear "Dan, never mind. I don't want anything. You should....um....like show me around or something. Can you?" I pause for a second and feel so confused but just shrug it off "Um yeah, why not?"

We reach my bedroom when he awe's in the sight. "Where did you get all of this stuff Dan?" I look at the ground as I remember my mom bought me most of the shit I had and all of the memories now are just blurs, I was so young. "I-I don't really remember to be honest" I sniff and look back up to Phil just staring at me knowing there was something wrong and I wasn't telling him. "How come you don't remember? What happened?" He sits me on the bed and sits right beside me still listening but still admiring everything in his reach. "I was young when all of this stuff was put in those spots. My-my mom got me them" Of course he knew something was wrong but he also knew I wasn't gonna say anything as he knows we've only known each other for about a week.

A few minutes go by with me just staring at the ground and Phil admiring everything with no words from either of our mouths. "So Dan, it's probably time to leave now. You ready?" I look up and smile before saying "Yeah, let's go."

Phil's POV:

"You trick your lovers that you're wicked and divine, You may be a sinner but your innocence is mine. Please me, show me how it's done. Tease me, you are the one." We started singing loudly to Disclosure Desire by Muse and skipping all the way to school somehow by the time we got there I wasn't coughing up blood but I was defiantly out of breath but just looking at him made me happy and to know that he was alright and happy also.

As we walked into school I was kinda nervous because ever since I started coming here I've been getting weird looks. I'm afraid I'll be bullied here just like at the last school. That's the reason why I moved mostly and because I was starting to get into major trouble. No one thinks such an "Angel" like me would get into trouble as much as I did but let's be honest. Just because your nice on the outside doesn't mean your the same in the inside. But I've been trying hard to stop the nonsense I was going through and maybe. Just maybe Danny could help. "Phil-Phil! Are you alright?!" I look up to Dan as he snaps me back into reality "Oh-um s-sorry I was just thinking" I smile and just look away but Dan grabs my shoulder making me look him in the eyes but I try to look away. It's just, those eyes can put a trance on anyone and if they somehow don't put someone in a trance then that person has something deeply wrong with them. "Hey I'm going to go to my locker I'll be back in a few minutes alright?" He looks me dead in the eyes as if he knows something could happen to me. "Y-yeah sure" I say back. He nods and walks away while I just watch him leave while admiring his form. Sorry that may have sounded a bit creepy.

"Hey you over there, are you by any chance named.....Philly" I hear over my shoulder. My eyes widen as I see that he is like 60 billion times bigger then me and of course he has back ups. I know them to. They came from my old school because they beat one of my friends up so bad that he got into the hospital and had a concussion so, they kicked them out. I've been afraid ever since and now that I know they are here. I could possibly go back to before and there is no way I want to be that way in front of Dan. "Um, y-yes, it is. Why?" I studdered. They come closer to me as I back away and hit a locker. Of course the locker had to be there, what the fuck. I gulp at his next words "So you and that Dan kid dating or is that just one of your fucking boy toys like last year, oh yeah Kevin. Was that it?" That scared me more than anything because Kevin was the guy that I was friends with and got out into the hospital. "N-no he isn't my boy toy he is..." He cuts my off "Your friends yeah yeah yeah whatever you act like we haven't heard that before you dumb shit just listen to me now, before the end of this year I'll do the same thing I did to that piece of shit last year naked Kevin to this years boy toy." I didn't even know what I did to him. Am I just the go to for a bullier? But I wasn't going to have him hurt Dan, not like how he hurt Kevin. "No you are not going to touch Dan" he comes closer, close enough to my fave I could feel his breath "What did you say?" He says back with a little bit of spit on my face. "I said.." I was soon cut off my Dan pushing the boy off of me "Get off of Phil what the hell do you think your doing?" The tall bulky boy pushes Dan to the locker and whispers something I don't understand and walks away but Dan doesn't seem hurt at all.

Dans POV:
Last period of the day and I'm still so confused and stuck on why that boy went off on Phil. I was watching the whole time across the hallways but I was just waiting till he got to close to Phil. I couldn't get my mind off of it and I think the teachers were noticing and especially Phil. We got our paper from the teacher and was told we could work with a partner. Me and Phil look right at each other and smile but soon the smile fades as I hear Mrs. Wright, my English teacher call my name "Mr. Dan Howell can I have a weird with you for a second?" I roll my eyes and laugh as I get up and head to her desks. "Yes Mrs. Wright?" I say politely knowing that Phil was listening and he would kill me if I wasn't polite. "I hear that in all of your classes today you use been failing all works except History, science and chemistry."
My heart falls as I know exactly what she is about to say. "Y-yes Mrs. Wright" I say back "Yes well remembered last time when this happened I told you that you would be getting a tutor, well that is what's going to happen. Don't worry, I've already called your father and he agrees." Hearing my father in this just scares me so much cause I know he will flip out once I get home. "Oh Phil, could you come here for a second?" I look at her in confusion not understanding why Phil has to come up. "Dan here is failing and he needs a tutor. You are a very brilliant young boy indeed and I was wondering if you could help him with his work and homework for a while until his grades come back up to at least a solid B." he smiles and looks at me and looks back to the teacher in front of us. "Well yes of course I would definitely be A Ok with that Mrs. and thank you"  I look at him blankly not knowing if I'm fucking excited about this or terrified of what my dad will say when I get home. But, I'll be working with Phil so I guess it will be ok.

So sorry guys, this chapter is crap xP but I'm really trying haha. If you have any suggestions don't be scared to DM me anytime! Thank you guys and I hope you love this chapter!

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