3. Daddy Issues

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This chapter was kinda rushed because I'm trying to update every two days but I'm rly trying guys' I'm so sorry if this seems sloppy and shit. I love you all and hope you like it at least enough to keep reading! XD Anyways.....I will leave you to read!

(End of the day at school xD)

I groaned as I looked at Phil knowing he was getting flustered with me. Look, I didn't want a tutor I mean, him yeah, sure whatever but I just can't concentrate doing fucking the alphabet with numbers in math.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow "Dan, you know it's not that big of a deal. Do you not want me to help you? Do you want someone better? Or do you not want to learn at all?" He was getting upset with me because after the talk with Mrs. Wright I wouldn't stop complaining about the whole thing and how I don't want a tutor and all but he doesn't know the whole story.

As we walked in the door my father was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and one eyebrow up. Oh no. "Sorry dad I know what this is all about and Philly *cough cough* Phil here is going to help me get them raised back up." Phil smiled once I corrected my sentence to my unfaithful father. He just turned around and said "Yeah yeah, whatever son. You act like I haven't heard that before." I just turned and walked to my room with Phil so it would be much quieter and peaceful.

We got to my room and I sat my stuff down on the ground, closed me door, jumped on my bed and groaned. Noticing Phil was giggling a little at what he just saw me do. "What? You've got a problem.....Philly?" I smiled knowing he would attack me for that. He growled and jumped on me and slapped me playfully and got close to me "Don't call me Philly Dan. You don't understand why I don't like that name." But he smiled but it fell once I saw him thinking about memories I'm guessing. He sat up and just watched his own legs going back and forth. Not exactly sure what to do next.

"Hey, what happened. You can tell me anything Phil, you know, I'm not the type to judge." He just stumbles to his feet and shakes his head and forces a smile, I could tell plain as day he was hiding something but not sure what exactly it was. He may seem like an angel when you first meet him but once you start hanging out with him. Even the very first day you can tell he is more than that. He is a mystery that just needs to be solved but, can only be solved by truly only one and I'm hoping maybe that will be me. "Dan, can we get started now please?" He says with a little hesitation but, it's fine.

"Find all rational zeros in P(x) equals x cubed minus seven x plus six" I was thinking really hard but I couldn't do it. It seemed the more he explained the more it was confusing.

"Look Dan. You need to concentrate, I see that you are wondering off looking at nothing and I don't understand why. We will take a break tonight alright?" I nod and lay on my bed and look back up at the ceiling, not understanding exactly why but I just....am. Phil opens the door and I panic. That's new. Why would I panic.

"PHIL!" I scream but quietly and slightly scaring him. "Stay here for a little bit please. I don't want to be alone." He nods and closes the door and sits by me on the bet and hums a tune, slightly familiar but not exactly sure why.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do it's you, oh it's you, they add up to and I'm in love with you. And all your little things" I bust out laughing not having a clue why Phil just started singing Little Things by One Direction. But obviously he didn't know either as he cups his hands on his face and giggles his cheeks becoming slightly red.

We stop laughing once I hear footsteps outside of my door cautiously looking up at Phil. I don't think my father would do anything mean to him but I know my dad would say that Phil has to leave to have his "talk" with me.

"Hello, sorry for me interrupting but I'm afraid it's getting a little late and your parents must be waiting for you at home" He isn't sorry for interrupting at all and I can tell. He just wants Phil out so he can go on for hours talking about how I'm such a terrible son and I'm going to do terrible in life and he will end up talking about how I'm a piece of shit like my mom. At least she didn't sleep around with 7 girls a week and then abuse her own son. He usually doesn't unless he gets to drunk but he has hurt me lots of times. Phil nods his head "Yes your right. See you tomorrow Dan remember to study a little bit more also." I roll my eyes playfully and see him leave the room and yell bye before he went downstairs and left.

"So who is this Phil kid again?" He crosses his arms like usual and shuffles to get comfortable against the wall. "He is new at my school and my teachers told me to look after him and show him where all of the classes were and basically he needed a friend so they picked me." He raised his I brow and agreed. "Why are your grades going down so quick tho? Don't tell me your, your falling for him!" I roll my eyes and look away "Of course knowing you, you would jump to that fucking conclusion every time" I mumble it maybe a little louder than expected noticing feeling the room heat up as I hear footsteps coming closer.

I look up and see him grabbing for my arm as I try to move fast enough so he misses but he doesn't. He grabs my wrists as hard as can and enough strength that he can make me move any where he drags me to. He pushes me to wall and smacks me. "What did you say?" I gulp thickly and shake my head "N-nothing father. I didn't say anything" I was scared, I smelled the alcohol in his breath. He pulled me fast and pushed me back hard to the wall so that my head slammed probably close to giving me a concussion. "Son, what the hell did you say? And DO NOT I repeat DO NOT lie to me or I will make it worse." I scream in pain and shout as loud as I could which turned into a soft whisper because my voice hurt so much. "I said I knew you would jump to that conclusion ok? Just please, let me go." He pushed me harder to the wall but let go and just shakes his head. Mumbling under breath while walking away "Why couldn't I have had a better son. Why must I have you instead" My heart broke at the thought of him saying those words as they repeated in my head.

"Why couldn't I have had a better son, why must I have you instead" repeated and replaying every action and word in my head. I knew what I wanted to do but it was wrong. I knew it was so, instead I say in the corner crying for what felt like ages.

I felt a buzz in the pocket of my jeans which made me freak out slightly not knowing who the fuck would be texting me at this time at night. It was Phil. I felt a slight comfort but remembering that the fight was over him

Hey is everything alright?

I ignore the text for a few minutes and just sigh but get another buzz. Slightly annoyed. But happy that he didn't just give up on me not texting back. I check it again notices it's a little longer than the other text.

Are you alright Dan? Did he do something to you? Do I need to come over please answer me. I need to know what's going on. I wOrRY abOUt yOu!!!1

I laugh but suddenly feel hurt once again.

No, I'm fine don't worry just a few complications with my dad.

Are you sure? You don't sound like your fine.

I smile at the text but I just delete the conversation and I get ready for bed. A little sore, but ready to sleep the pain away.

I'm so sorry this kinda sucked. Once again I was kinda hurrying on this one and I wanted it to be done soon. But if you want you can comment what I should do to fix this. Thank you everyone who reads this! ❤️ I love you all so much xoxo

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