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It's been 2 weeks since starfire and Robin went out on their date. Robin was in his room still trying to find out more information about slade.

Starfire walked down to the living room to make everyone waffles. She went into the kitchen and made about 25 waffles. After 20 minutes everyone came down to the living room.

Cyborg and Beastboy was digging into the food. They was like animals that haven't been feed in months. Starfire and Raven managed to get some waffles. Robin wasn't hungry so they just ate without him.

After cyborg and Beastboy was done eating they went and played video games.Starfire excused herself and went to Robins room.

Starfire knocked on Robin door waiting for him to open up. "Who ever it is. Please go away! I'm doing very important stuff" Robin yelled opening his room. "Oh.. I guess your to busy to hang with me or our friends" Starfire said tears running down her face.

Starfire ran to her room. Her vision was blurry. She could hear Robin calling after her. She laid on her bed with her face in her pillow crying her eyes out. She thought Robin hated her. She thought that Robin just wanted her out his life and that's when she got an idea.

She would leave. She didn't want to be around him. Starfire got up,walked over to her closet and started to pack all her clothes up. She thought to herself   'I'll leave late at night so no one expects a thing. I'll hide my suitcase until I'm ready to leave. I was going back home. Back to Tamaran. '

Starfire walked back down to the living room. Beastboy and cyborg was watching some honor movie while Raven was reading one of her books. She walked over to them and toke a seat between cyborg and Raven.

"You ok Starfire? You look upset" Cyborg looked over at her waiting for her to answer him. "I'm fine cyborg." Starfire said knowing cyborg wasn't going to believe her. Cyborg shrugged and went back to watching the movie.

Star looked over at Raven but she wasn't really paying attention. Star got up and walked back to her room and thought 'they aren't even paying attention. I could just leave now. I'm sure Robin wouldn't even notice '

When Starfire went to pull her suitcase out underneath her bed she heard a knock and a voice "Star?! Are you ok? Can we talk? I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Please let me in"

Star walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Robin. His eyes looked puffy like he been crying. His hair was everywhere. He looked a bit stressed. "I'm still mad at you Robin. It's like you don't care about me." Star managed to choke out.

Robin wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into a hug. She didn't return the hug. Robin sighed and pulled away from her. "Look star. I love you. I'm sorry about everything I did to you. I'm sorry for making you mad at me. Just please remember that I love you with all my heart and I always will. " Robin walked out star rooms and went back to his room.

Starfire laid down on her bed and cried into her pillow until she fell alsleep.

-----6 hours later------

Starfire woke up and looked at the time. It was 1 in the morning. She got out of bed pulling her bag out from underneath her bed. She opened her window to her room and flew out the window.

Star looked back at the tower then turned back around and went into space. It toke her about 20 minutes to get to her home plant. She landed at the front door. Galfore come out the door,looked at Starfire and smiled.

"Your back. Is everything ok?" Galfote pulled star inside and they walked up to starfire old room. They went inside. Starfire sat her bag down and looked around. It looked the same as she left it. "Are you ok?" Galfore asked and she nodded.

"I'm just a little tired that's all" galfore nodded and said "I'll let you go to bed then. Goodnight " galfore walked out. Starfire laid down in bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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