Youre moving?!?

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*Star POV*

I walked out of my room with my bag over my shoulder. I walked down to the living room to find everyone sitting on the couch watching T.V.

BeastBoy turned around and said "where are you going star?" I looked down and thought for a second. "Um.. I'm sorry guys but I can't be here anymore. I'm moving. I won't be on the team anymore I'm so sorry! Please don't stop me I already made my decision." I said not looking them in the eyes putting my bag on the floor.

They all jumped up expect for Robin who wasn't even paying attention. He was just staring at the TV.  They all hugged me and told me they would miss me. I tried holding back the tears but they just came flowing down my cheeks.

I pulled away from all of them picking up my bag and walking away from them. I could feel someone's eyes on me but I didn't look back. I didn't want to see the disappointment on Robin's or the others faces. I walked out the tower and flew up in the air.

*Cyborg's POV*

I walked back over to the couch where Robin was. "What's your problem man! Why didn't you say goodbye and stop her from leaving! Your the only one that can stop her!" I yelled at him. I saw him jump when I started yelling. He turned around to face me.

"She made the decision to leave! I'm not stopping her! If she doesn't want to be on the team then fine! We will be better off without her anyways" Robin yelled. He got up and walked out of the room.

I looks over at Raven and BeastBoy and just shook my head. "Someone needs to talk him and someone's got to talk Star out of leaving." I said

"I'll talk to Robin. You and Raven go and find Star. " BeastBoy said.

I nodded. Me and Raven ran out the tower to find star. Hopefully we can change her mind.

*BeastBoy's POV*

I walked to Robins room. He was pretty much the only one who could talk star into staying. I don't know what happen with them to but I'm going to try and help to fix this.

I knocked on Robins door. I waited a couple seconds until the door open. "Hey Robin. Can we talk?" I asked and he rolled his eyes nodding.

"What do you want BeastBoy?" He asked me annoyed. I step back a bit and said "what happen with you and star? You guys were so close and happy."

He shrugged and sat down on his bed. "People change BB" he said.

I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. "You have to talk to her sometime and that time is now! You can't just let her go and be on another team! We need her! You have to fix all of this! She only listens to you! You can make her stay! "

"To late for that BeastBoy! I already yelled and screamed at her. She's not going to listen to me. I'm not fixing anything. It's better this way and you know it! We don't need her! We never needed her!" Robin yelled.

My face turned red from angry. I started to yell "Don't you ever say we never needed her because you know damn well we need her! She's the strongest out of all of this! If your planning on just letting her go this easy then your a jerk!"

I was so angry. It toke all of my strength to not punch Robin right in the face. How could he say that about star. I went out of his room and up to the roof. I needed to cool off. I needed to be alone. I wish I would of hit him.

I sat down at the edge of the roof with my legs dangling off the edge. I toke deep breathes trying to calm down. He's going to regret letting her go. I just know it.

*Star POV*

I finally got to Titans East. This was my new home. I was away from Robin and that's all that matters. A part of me hates him so much and the other part wishes he stop me.

I shook my head and laid down on my bed in my new room. It wasn't like my one back at the tower. This room was a light blue. It had the same size bed as the one at the tower. I had my own bathroom. I had a desk and a walk in closet. It was bigger then the one at the tower.

I heard someone knock at the door. "Come in" I said sitting up on my bed. I looked over at the door to see Speedy standing there.

"Hey. You like your new room?" He asked me and I nodded. "Good. Well dinner is ready if your hungry" he said smiling at me.

"Let's go " I said standing up running to the living room with speedy behind me. I sit down between Bumble Bee and Speedy. We was having Taco's. After we ate we all went over to the couch to watch a movie.

I really liked it here but I miss everyone at the tower. I wondered if Robin was looking for me or if he even cared about me. I sigh and put all my attention to the screen. Hopefully this will keep my mind off of Robin.

After we watched the movie. I helped bumble bee with the dishes and cleaned up the table. "You ok star?" Bumble bee asked me and I just nodded.

I didn't want to tell her the truth. The truth was I missed everyone but I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to see Robin. I just have to suck it up and try to forget about everyone. I'll have a better life here. If I stayed at the tower. I would be miserable. We finished up and went to our bedrooms.

*Raven's POV*

We got back to the tower about a hour ago. We couldn't find star fire at all. What if something happen to her? Why didn't we just stop her when she told us she was moving? She didn't even tell us where she was going. Everyone had already went to bed. I was trying to see if I could track her down but i couldn't find her. I sigh and walked back my room. I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.


What was Robin thinking?

Is star going to stay or is she going to go back?



You guys are amazing! I'll have another chapter up tonight or tomorrow!!

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