I need you

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*Robin's POV*

It's been a months since I seen star fire. She hasn't been in contact with us since she left. I miss her. I know I was a jerk but I need her.

I seen her around town but she always she never come close to me so I could talk to her. The team is going upside down. They won't talk to me unless we are on a mission.

I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to find star fire and I'm bring her back. I going to prove it to them that I do care about star and that I want her on the team.

I got up off my lazy ass and walked into the living room searching the fridge for food. i heard someone come into the living room but i didn't say anything. i looked up and cyborg was behind me. i shrugged and continued to look through the fridge. i pulled so ham and cheese out and started to make a sandwich. "Robin! we really need to talk" cyborg said out of the blue. i stopped making my sandwich and turned around. i nodded for him to continue. "you really need to get Star back! the team isn't the same and your not the same." cyborg toke a deep breath and continued "i called star this morning and shes coming over so you better fix this robin!" cyborg left the living room leaving me in my own little world.

What am i going to say to her? i haven't talked to her in months and except me to talk to her and get her back on the team? They got another thing coming. This is going so difficult for me but i got to do it. i heard someone come in the living room. i turned around and there stood Star. i wanted to run up to her and hug her. She looked so beautiful. Why did i have to be a jackass and ruin everything? i opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off "look robin. can we just get this over with? i really would like to get back to my boyfriend. "

I shook my head and hesitated to tell her the truth. i took a deep breath and said "look star. i need you! i need you back on this team! i cant live with myself knowing that your hating me. your all i got and your all i need. please come back to the team if you don't then i'll be lost. The other aren't even talking to me because of what i did. i'm a jackass i know but please just come back to the team. i need you star! we all do!" i said looking right into her eyes. her mouth was partially open and i could hear her gasp. shes just stared at me like i just said the most horrible thing in the world.

*Star's POV*

I didn't know what to say so i just stared at him. i wanted to run up to him and kiss him but i couldn't. i has with speedy. i wanted to come back to the team for along time. i missed everyone but i mostly missed robin. i just couldn't get him out of my head. he was even in my dreams. i thought i be fine when i moved into titans east but i just felt more miserable. i think it's time to come back to where i'm sub post to be. i opened my mouth to say something but i couldn't find the right words to say.

Robin looked at me for awhile. He looked like he could explode any minute. i smiled to myself and said "alright ill come back to the team" i saw a smirk come across robin face and next thing i knew. he was hugging me every tight.i hugged him back. he left me go and said "i got to tell the others" he ran out of the living room. i went over to the couch and sat down. i really missed here. i never want to leave again.

2 minutes later. Beast boy,Cyborg,Raven came racing towards me tackling me in hugs telling me they missed me and to never leave again. i chuckled and hugged them all back. "i'll have bumble bee drop my stuff o.." i was cut off by cyborg "i already go your stuff in your room so you don't have to worry about that." i smiled and nodded.

i yawned and stood up from the couch. i looked at the clock and it was 9 PM. "I should go to bed. its been a long day and i'm really tired. Goodnight everyone " i said walking out of the living room.i walked down the hallway to my bedroom thinking about everything that happened. i had my friends back. my life was complete now. i just needed to get robin back to being mine. i walked into my room and laid down in my bed. it felt so good to be in my own room. i laid there for awhile thinking and i finally fell asleep.

*Robin's POV*

Everything was amazing now. we had star back on the team. everything was falling into place. i felt better know that star was back and was going to be staying for a long time. if she didn't come back. i wouldn't know how to deal with myself. Now to just win her heart back. I need to know that she is mine and nobody else's. "I'm going to bed. night guys." I said smiling. I walked out the living room and headed to my room.

I thought about everything today. Everything was complete now. I walked into my room and laid down on my bed and fell into a deep asleep smiling.

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