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"Ouch," Nashiro groaned as she woke up. Rubbing her eyes, she saw Jungkook's sleeping face against a cherry blossom tree.

Carefully, Nashiro shook the sleeping teenager.

"U-U-Uh, a-a-are y-y-you o-okay?" she stuttered.

Jungkook then awaken from his nap and saw Nashiro with a red face and a quivering mouth. He started to laugh.

"You don't look and sound like the Nashiro I've been texting for the past months." he laughed.

"B-because y-you're a famous k-pop idol! Most especially from BTS! I bet any ARMY would be hella surprised if she found out she was texting the maknae of the group!"

"Okay, okay," Jungkook smiled in defeat. "but it was really obvious that it was me texting you. My username gave it away."

"It could've be a fan texting me, ya know. I've seen usernames on Instagram that look like it could be you, but NO IT'S JUST A FAN ACCOUNT."

Jungkook laughed on how Nashiro sarcastically spoke near the end of her sentence.

"You're cute when you rant."

"You suck."

"And you would swallow."

Nashiro paused for a moment and stretched both her hands near the makane, a sign to "chill out". "Whoa, there Jungkook. I bet many those American ARMYs, would be surprised if they heard you say that."

"But it's true, right?"

"If I didn't have a dirty mind, I wouldn't argue about this." the girl slightly blushed.

"Aww, Nashiro, are you saying you would suck it?" Jungkook whined, pointing near the area between his legs.

"YAH!" Nashiro shouted, finding a rock and throwing it to Jungkook.

"Haha, ow."

"Hmph!" Nashiro turned away from Jungkook, arms crossed.

Jungkook saw a little silly smile formed on Nashiro's lips. He smirked in reply.

"You're adorable."

"I'm Nashiro, who's this Adorable you speak of?"

Jungkook laughed at Nashiro's joke and ruffled her hair, earning him a red mark on his arm.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Nashiro asked.

"Nothing particular. I just wanted to see you." Jungkook smiled.

Nashiro felt heat on her cheeks again as she heard those soothing words from Jungkook. She turned away to avoid eye contact.

"Well, then, Mister International Playboy." Nashiro said, slightly pausing between words.

Both teenagers became silent. The sound of tree leaves was the only thing heard in the distance. The petite girl made little tense movements with her hands and arms, feeling the awkwardness between the two.

"Can I tell you something serious?" Nashiro turned to Jungkook and asked, breaking the silence.

"S-Sure," the idol replied, surprised by the tone in the girl's voice.

Nashiro took a deep breath and straightforwardly stated...

"I have mild depression."

Jungkook suddenly widen his eyes in shock, wondering how Nashiro be diagnosed with such a thing.

"Wha, how?"

"Remember when I told you that I suddenly broke down?"


"I went to my annual checkup the next day and my doctor told me that I had mild depression. I thought meeting you was make me okay again. Turns out I'm still a little emo. Haha." Nashiro said, trying to light up the mood.

Without thinking, Jungkook suddenly hugged her. Surprised by his actions, Nashiro hugged back, blushing. She pulled back afterwards.

"Sorry. I just thought it would make you feel better," he muttered softly.

"Thanks, Jungkook. I feel a little better than before. I think this would be gone in a month or two. But tell me, what's the real reason you came to see me?"

Nashiro slightly blushed after hearing what she just said. Taking a quick glance, she saw Jungkook's cheeks turn to a light shade of red, facing away from her.

"Ah, sorry. You don't need to answer that-"

Jungkook then turned to directly face Nashiro.

"First of all, your friend err, cousin Rei begged me to meet you for your sake and I now know the reason why. Obviously I would say yes. Second..." Jungkook trailed off and his red cheeks became even more visible. "S-Second...it's because I came to tell you something."

Nashiro's cheeks grew even more red, matching the same shade as her red Converse high cuts. She gulped in reply.

"Second...I'm...I...like...-" the makane got cut off.

"OHMYGOSHJUNGKOOKJUSTPLEASETELLMEBECAUSEIAMNOTPATIENTANDTHISMAYAFFECTMYDEPRESSIONITMIGHTGETWORSESOI-" the girl was cut off by a pair of soft, warm lips. Nashiro widen her eyes as she saw Jungkook, eyes tightly shut and a bright red face. Surprisingly, she slowly close her eyes and kissed back.

Nashiro broke the kiss and looked at Jungkook, not caring about her red, embarrassed face. "D-D-Did y-you d-do t-that to...y-you know...c-comfort me?"

Jungkook shooked his head in reply. "No. I did that because...I like you, Nashiro."

Nashiro was now sweating and having the reddest face, almost looking she had caught a fever.

"I don't know what to say..."

"It's okay if you don't like me-"

"No! I...I mean that what you said feels like a dream. You're Jeon Jungkook, the maknae of BTS. But I see you than more than and idol. I see you as a friend, someone I can trust and cry on when I'm sad. But what I really mean is...I like you too, Jungkook."

Jungkook wided his eyes and parted his lips a little bit, in shock. But he felt that Nashiro had more to say so he kept quiet.

"At first, I thought you were some pedo texting me for nudes, but when I realized you were worried about me, I soften up to you. Like, if were something thst would happen to me, I would...run up to you and I'll be able to tell you. I guess I'm confortable around you. But I don't like you just becuase your a really hot k-pop idol who I secretly stalk. Hehe. But really, to me...your the friend who I really trust and..."

Nashiro then stepped back and looked down to hide her face.

Looking up with smiling tears, Nashiro said, "I love you, Jungkook."

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