Creatures: Reek

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Intelligence: Non-sentient

Diet: Herbivore

Home World: Ylesia, Codian Moon


Height:  2.24 meters

Length: 4.04 meters

Mass: 1,100 kilograms

Skin Color: brown with a tint of red

          The Reek was one of the three beasts that were in the arena in the second Star Wars movie. The Reek was meant to assassinate Anakin Skywalker , but instead Anakin tamed the Reek using the force, sort of became his ally in a way I guess...Either way he totally avoided the three who were being executed; besides the other jedi, whoops. Later on in the movie the same Reek was shot by Jango Fett.

  Anyway Reeks were originated from the planet Ylesia which is a planet that was covered in mossy grasslands I think I couldn't find anything on this planet sorry :/The Reeks usually found in herds in the mossy grasslands. Reeks are very protective of their territory so beware.

          Reeks were herbivores by heart(wow that sounds really sappy) but they were often fed meat for executions and exhibition sports.  When Reeks have been fed meat for a long period of time it turns their skin leathery and a dark reddish color* The change in the diet caused the Reeks to become much more aggressive. 

  Since Reek's original diet is plants they could not thrive on the meat that they were given for long. So the owners or who ever fed them in this case gave them enough plant matter to keep them in a healthy manner. This method was used mostly by the Geonosians since they used a Reek for executions.

*All Reeks, also including the subspecies, were all usually found with brown colored skin. The only reason it would change color is because of their diet.

Interesting Facts: Another Reek was tamed for General Grievous to ride on after his ship was shot down/crashed on the planet Saleucami.

I hope you guys enjoyed that info about that animal/creature there will be more soon! Sorry this is less information then you were expecting, but this is not a popular creature in the saga.

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