Creatures: Nexu

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Intelligence: Non-sentient

Diet: Carnivorous

Home world: Cholganna


Height: 0.94 meters

Length: 4.51 meters

Mass: 225 kilograms

Fur Color: Brownish grey color (mostly)

Eye Color: Red

                      I am going to be completely honest with you guys... this animal is one of my favorite animals in the whole Star Wars Saga. The Nexu was first shown in Star Wars Attack of The Clones when Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Obi Wan Kenobi got captured on Geonosis it was one of the three deadly beasts that was chosen to assassinate them. 

   This creature is originally from the planet of Cholganna, but there are much more of this species on Cholganna's other continents as well. The forest Nexu is what is shown in the movie; 

   Only the forest Nexu has an additional set of eyes to be able to view infrared wavelength, which helps them a lot when they are hunting for bark rats( creatures that were native to Cholganna, often hunted by Nexu) or tree-climbing octopi(native to Cholganna, often hunted by Nexu, dwelt in trees rather then in water and they also possessed a substance similar to fur, as well as webbing near the arms).  

   The Nexu was often exported and used/ trained as security beasts or in arena combat as shown in the movie on Geonosis. 

                       The Nexu appears to have a resemblance to a feline and is a fierce and agile predator. This animal was usually 4.5 meters long and generally 1 meter tall. The Nexu also came with large curved claws that helped them grab onto their prey and climb throughout trees with the claws that they have the Nexu could slice a human in half. The Nexu had a very distinct look. 

    They had long, sharp quills along their back sticking out of their fur, and a very long tail that allowed them in the wild to swing from tree to tree. Their long tail split into two equal sections so that they could have a better grip on the tree branch that they were swinging from. Their tail also helped them for balance just like any feline. The Nexu was known for tiring out very easily. Yet they had extremely sharp instincts and reflexes.

   When the Nexu went to hunt for it's prey they usually use swift movements to attack and finish the enemy quickly; which definitely helps in the arena for executions and etc. When the Nexu did attack and get a hold of it's prey they usually bite down and thrash their head about to break their prey's neck.

Interesting Facts: 

-The Nexu cubs are born pure white 

-A stealthy type of Nexu is the black Nexu; this species is one the rarest. 

I hope you guys enjoyed that info about that animal/creature there will be more soon!

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