Chapter 6-The real k?

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As i sat back down, my arm became in sudden pain. "OW!" I yelled. "What?" Kyo and Madi questioned. "My hurts..really bad.."I say while poking at it. "Don't touch it then" Kyo said. "I will call the Clinic to make an arrangement." Madi says dialing the phone. "Kyo got up and stretched his arms. "Haha... you look like a cat stretching" I said while laughing. "Ugh..." Kyo complained.

~Kyo's POV~

I" wonder if she knows I am the cat.. but...but she does not remember anything.. even me almost...almost kis..." he thinks while getting interupted.


All the sudden a knock on the door. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*. Madi opened the door and saw a man and a teen. "Uh... Kyo.... Do you know these people.?" Madi says while Kyo comes to the door. "Oh... Sigure..rat...(Yuki)" He says in shock.

"Who is it?" I shout. "Is that Kuroe?" Yuki says leaning over and looking to her. I started walking to the door. "Hi guys..." I say. Madi just went back in and started watching TV. "Hey Madi, I am going to hang out with Kyo and Yuki!" I tell her. "Ok" Madi replies. 

I picked up my shoes from the inside next to the front door and close the door behind me. I sliped on my High tops and put on my jacket. I went back inside and grabed 8 peices of bread slices and walked back out. "What are those for? the bread?" Yuki questioned. "Ducks..." I answered.

I started heading to the pond around the block and the boys followed. Sigure went back home though. Kyo and Yuki sat at the bench and I went to the other side of the pond throwing bread in the pond for the ducks.

"What happened yesterday? Did you stay at her house?" Yuki questioned Kyo were Kuroe can't here there conversation."Well, I was walking home and we where abo...I mean! We stopped and looked at the pond and she fell. I did not know what happened till I herd Akito's voice and saw a dart gun in his hand and a dart in her arm. So i carried her to her house and stayed over because it was late." He answered with relief."I cant believe I almost told him we almost kissed.." Kyo thought.

Yuki got up and went to Kuroe."Are you ok?Yuki asked Kuroe. "Yeah, I am fine but Madi made a arrangement for the clinic tomorrow to make sure the dart did not infect me or something." I said."That's good, Hey, can I have a piece of bread to feed the ducks with?" Yuki says. "Sure" handing him 2 slices of bread.

~Kuroe's POV~

"I can't believe I don't remeber anything from yesterday but walking home." I thought


Yuki tore off a small bit of bread and tosed it in the water. One of the ducks came and ate it. Kyo got up from the bench and left. "Where is Kyo going?" I say while handing Yuki the bag of bread and running after him."Um..ok?" Yuki said watching me chase after him.

"HEY!" i yell. Kyo stops and looks back. His eyes wide open.."What?" He said. "Where you going?" I asked him. He is still walking and i run up till we are the same speed and i am right next to him. "I am going home.." He answered back. "Why?" I stopped. "Because, that damn rat is always "the best"  Kyo complained. I caught back up with him and stood right in front of him. "Move it" He said. "No, till you tell me why" I say. "Why have I felt in this position before?" I asked. "I did that to you when you where running from the house, remember?" He told. "Yes" I said back. "I am sorry..." He says while getting interrupted."I remember! I remember everything from yesterday sense you said sorry" She told.

(At the woods near the S house)

Thinking of almost kissing him, Kyo walked up to me and hugged me. "Eh" I breathed. He put his warm soft hands on my shoulders and looked at me, Then started leaning in. 

~Kuroes POV~

"Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg... Hes gonna kiss me, hes gonna kiss me" I thought and thought and thought.


My eyes where wide open and then our lips touched. My eyes where still wipe open, looking at Kyos bangs. I closed my eyes. The he leaned back separating our lips from each others. "Eh" I breathed once again. I looked at him in the eyes, those cute red eyes, then took off. I ran all the way back to my house, leaving Kyo still standing there."I am such a idiot" Kyo mumbled to himself. Kyo walked back home still thinking about that kiss, he could not stop thinking about, he could not think of something else, that's all he could think of.Kyo go up on the roof and looked up at the sky, the sun was slowly going down. He could still barley see me running back to my house in the long woods up from me he was while i was fating away from his eye sight.

I slammed he door and ran to Madi and hugged her. I stopped hugging he and sat down on the couch i was asleep on that morning. "What Happened?" Madi asked. "We...We kissed, me and Kyo" I say slow and quit. "YOU WHAT?! OMG! I am so happy for you! how do you feel? do you feel weird?" she said asking all these random questions. "When he started leaning in i could not think on what to do, the when we kissed, I felt i fell in love. then when he leaned back, i just looked at him and ran back here. I still have butterfly's flying around in my stomach,my hands are shaking, Kyo probably hates me now, I don't know what to do" I said.

"Aww, you are in love! Well, I can't blam you. That orange guy is pretty darm cute." She says. My checks blush. "Haha..yeah" I say while a knock on the door. *KNOCK KNOCK* "I will get it" I say.

I opned the door..."Hey high tops"I say. Kyo was standing there. His checks were so red. "I am sorry about what happend back there, I....I just I just really seem to  like you... a lot.." He says trying not to look at me. "Kyo, I really like you, but i am a zodiac, and we could never hug each other... wait a sec... I hugged you before. YOUR A ZODIAC TO?"I say and asked. "Yes, your not the other animal left out from us." He replies. "Your....your the.. cat?" I asked. "Yes" He responds. "Omg i love cats" I sqeal. 

"Eg.." He breathes sofly and looks up. He walked to me and just hugged me."Kyo, what are you doing" I asked while my voice is high and sounds like a whisper from how tight he was hugging me. "I like you" He told me. He unhugged me and walked away back to his house.

I closed the door and walked back to where i was sitting and sat down. "AWW, you got a boyfrien yu got a boyfriend you got a boyfriend!" Madi sang. "I dont not have a boyfriend." I told her while slaping her. "Hes just my friend....." I said walking up to my room.

I locked my door and looked at my room. I was a rectangle room. next to my door on the left corner, my closet. then on the right side of my room was my desk with my laptop on it. next to my desk was a table with a droor. In the droor was a old photo with my dog, Pepsi,a few pincils, and my walet. the  on the wall you face when walking in my room was my bed and a Tv on the wall in front of it.

I walked to my desk and took my phone out form my back pocket and sat it down next to my laptop. I took of my shoes. I changed my shirt to a Black take top and a new pair or panties.(It was hot, can you blam her? haha) I turned my fan on and my light off. i sliped in bed and turned on the TV. "Ugh, so meny cumrcials." I say  while putting my long lair up in a bun. I layed back down and closed my eyes thinking. "I hope Kyo's ok. I wonder if or that we just know each other likes each other. or does he even know i like him.well, i have a lot to work to do tomorrow making invataions to my b-day party friday.I wonder if i should invite Kyo and the other Sohmas..." I though and fell right to sleep.

Hope you guys liked it! I tried to make it long lol. Tell me waht you think. :D

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