Chapter 50

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Once Anna had bathed and rested for a time in Semiramis’ apartments, two handmaids came to her, bearing a platter of food and a jug of wine. Anna was ravenous and fell upon the fare with an unbecoming lack of grace, tearing apart a roasted pigeon whilst one the handmaids applied a soothing salve to her tormented skin as she propped herself up on a couch. The handmaid, a plain girl of Armenian birth with gentle hands but a glum disposition whom Semiramis was forever threatening to beat if she did not smile, seemed to show little surprise at Anna’s condition. The cruelty of Kavad was well known.

A short while later Bagoas came for her again. His face bore not a hint of complicity or guile as he declared.

‘Ah good, here you are, child. There is grievous news. The Great King has been murdered!’

Anna did her best to appear shocked before stuffing another handful of dates into her mouth, not truly trusting herself to answer.
‘I see that you are as shaken as myself by this terrible event,’ Bagoas continued smoothly. ‘But there is no need to fear. The city and palace are under the control of the Surenas, wisest and most trusted councillor of kings. He has taken under his protection Kavad’s young son and heir the Prince Ardashir. The Magi have given their blessing to the succession and Ardashir is proclaimed as Great King.’

‘So soon?’ Anna exclaimed, taken aback by the pace of developments.

‘Uncertain times require stability,’ the eunuch replied.

‘With a child upon the throne?’ Anna was playing along happily now with the charade as she took a final gulp of wine to steady her nerves and got to her feet.

‘King Shapur was still in the womb when they placed the crown upon his mother’s belly, yet he ruled long and wisely over Persia,’ Bagoas pointed out. ‘Ardashir is of the blood of kings, that is all important.’
‘Why have you sought me out?’ Anna asked.
‘Ardashir is, as you point out, a child still,’ Bagoas conceded. ‘The lady Semiramis requests that you attend upon the young king. You are noted for your way with children.’

‘I am honoured to serve the new king.’ Anna  smiled sweetly, following the eunuch as he swept from the room.

Bagoas led Anna through familiar passages and down to arrive in the sunlit courtyard in which she had once held her little class. Standing beside the fountain he whispered to her.

‘That was well done. Everything is progressing perfectly.’

From the folds of his robes he brought out a heavy golden torque of exquisite workmanship and fastened it about her neck.

‘A gift from the lady Semiramis,’ He explained. ‘ It will serve to cover the unfortunate marks of violence about your throat.’

Anna nodded. They had thought of everything. ‘What of Kavad?’

‘This morning the Surenas arrived at the palace accompanied by his household guard and requested an audience with the king. When Kavad could not be found, another of my kind was sent at last into the harem to seek him out. When finally they summoned the courage to intrude upon Kavad they found things precisely as we had left them. The poor fool then went running through the palace crying murder.  He returned to the Surenas who at once seized control of the palace and young Ardashir both.’

‘And what of the general Shahrbaraz?’
‘His army is less than a day’s march from the city. The general Rhazates has been sent out with most of the city watch but they have little hope of holding him up. The Surenas has sent forth messengers to seek the general out and put an end to hostilities. Shahrbaraz is summoned to the city. When he arrives he will be declared regent for Ardashir.’

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