Happy New Year!

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"Marlene!" I ignored him. He can't make them change their minds. "Marlene, wait!" I didn't bother. We were outside now, and it was raining. But that didn't affect me in the slightest as I just ran to the beech tree by the lake. The mud was slippery, so naturally I just had to slip into it. The perfect ending to a perfect day.
"Are you ok?" No, my ego has been damaged and the mud is seeping through my Christmas jumper. This is supposed to be the time of hope and cheer. I felt neither, so really there was no point in this jumper anyway. Or in the Santa hat that Sirius plonked onto his head. We were both slightly tipsy from the fire whiskey someone snuck in.
"Fine, Sirius. Just dandy." I snapped at him before ignoring his hand and pushing myself up. That just made me fall down again immediately. I hit the mud in fury, as if it was the reason all of my paintings are shitty.
"Look, I'm horrible at words, guys don't usually help each other out, we just let each other cry it out. I'm realizing that that's not how it works with girls. So please, work with me here." I shook my head stubbornly, once again attempting to stand up, only to fall onto my back again. I swallowed back a sob as Sirius gave me the pity look.
"Before you say anything, no, I don't pity you. That was only one rejection letter, there are many more in the futu-that sounds bad." He scratched the back of his head for a moment while I decided to use that distraction and swiped his legs underneath him. "I guess I deserved that." He mutters before sighing in exasperation.
"Marlene, it's almost 12. Everyone else is partying. Do you really want to start this year by being all muddy and mopey? C'mon, we need to get ourselves cleaned up." When I didn't respond, he sighed once again and started rolling around in the mud.
"What in the name Merlin's underpants are you doing?" His response was a bark as he stood up on all fours and started panting with his tongue out, he was also cross-eyed. I couldn't help it, he looked absolutely ridiculous. I snorted, and then started full on laughing as he howled at the moon. I scratched behind his ears and he responded accordingly, his eyes rolled back. Wow, he's a fantastic actor.
Suddenly, there were shouts coming from Hogwarts.
"Twelve!" Sirius struck a pose with begging puppy eyes.
"Eleven!" Now he was grimacing as if he ate a lemon.
"Ten!" What kind of face even is that?
This had continued for the next nine seconds, as soon as we heard the shouts, he would strike a random pose.
"Zero!" He was about to make a face, when I leaned in and kissed him. His arms steadied my waist so that I wouldn't fall on top of him. But I think his hands got lost inside of my shirt instead, which resulted in me falling on top of him and spraying mud everywhere. Not that that would stop us.
My fingers ruffled his hair, he was probably going to go on a fit because of it later, but now....nothing could compare to now.
But we both had to take a break to breathe.
"You know what my new year's resolution is?"
"What?" Since when does he make new year's resolutions?
"To keep you smiling as much as you are now." I beamed up at him. "And to make sure that you never come near mud again. Do you know how much that jumper costs?"

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