Neville's wand

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I sat still in the shop. The others warned me that it could take a while before the I meet 'the one', the one who's just for me. I'll get to help them through with anything and in return they'll take care of me because they need me. I just didn't expect it to take so long.
Phoenix has already left with that Potter kid. Merlin, what a relief! That chatter box would not shut up about his power and uniqueness. He's no cherry though, nothing could compare to the dark red cherry wood of which I am made of. A feather from a flaming bird? Pah! I have a hair of the purest creature on earth as my vein, no fire could possibly beat that.
Vine was taken away by that bushy haired girl. Shame, I'll miss her. She did have a lot of interesting knowledge to share, although she always wanted to find out more, she wanted to push her limits. I hope that the girl could handle such a demanding wand, a dragon heartstring is no unicorn hair, but it is interesting.
Hawthorn and I got along quite well, we did have the same core after all. But I'm a whole 3 inches longer than him, therefore I'm better and should have found 'the one' faster. But no, hawthorn left with the Malfoys. I hoped I would have gotten to see the amount of hell he would put the kid through, but I didn't find anyone that year. Not to be discouraged, of course, there were many other wands that haven't found their witches and wizards either.
  They all left me in years. I was stuck with babies. Alone.
When my wizard bothers to show his face in this shop I'll give him hell!
That was my plan anyway, before he actually entered the shop. It happened six years after Hawthorn and Vine and Phoenix left me. He was polite to Garrick, and I longed to finally be in his grasp, to feel the magic course through him to me so that I could show him what he's been missing all of these years, that fool.
Garrick didn't give me to him straight away. Oak actually thought she had a chance. Hah!
I heard stories, myths of how good it felt to help 'the one' when you meet them. But nothing could have compared to his fingers nervously wrapped around my twisted handle. Huh, I'm going to have to fix that nervousness, whoever it was that thought they were worthy of my wizard have done more harm than good and I will clean this mess up, I will make him legendary. Witches and wizards will write about us in history books, the perfect dynamic duo, Neville and I.

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