Destiny's Story

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Third POV

Derek sat on his counter drinking coffee getting ready for his day off. Suddenly loud pounding came from his door and a baby crying. Morgan being confused grabbed his gun and walked cautiously to the door then opened it. He saw locks of blue hair running away but he also saw a small baby in a car seat. With a note

Dearest Derek Morgan,

It is me Onica I have had your baby for a year and I'm done with her she irritates the hell out of me.
We fucked and I got left with a bigger mess then I ever have before.
You are going to take care of her. Her birth certificate, and all that crap is on the roof of your car. Btw she cries way to much.

Love the hottest girl you know, Onica

I furrow my eyebrows as I look at the child who was crying. Look's like I'll be a dad. I pick up the baby with my right arm and I let my left arm relax. 

-skipping to 5 years old-

Derek's POV

Destiny giggled as she skipped towards me out of kindergarten. "Why are you so happy? Besides seeing me." I pick up Destiny and spinning her around as she giggled. 

"I have my life planned out!" She exclaimed. "And what is that, princess?" I ask.  "I'm going to have a husband!!!" She giggles as I frown and put her down. Destiny knitted her eyebrows. "What's his name? Where does he live? How old is he? Who are his parents?! Wh-" I was cut of by Destiny.

"Stooooppp..." Destiny whines. "His name is Toby and he has dark brown hair and the most blue eyes ever!" She squeals and leans in my ear. "Even more bluer then Cinderella's dress!" She whispers. I frown, "Promise me anything?" I question and she just nods. "You can't date ANY boy when you live under my roof." I state. Destiny pouts but she said 'okay'. 

-skipping to 10 years old-

"Destiny, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask sipping my coffee. 

"Well, I want to be just like you dad." She smiles. "Just like you." I frown, "It's to dangerous for you my precious little girl. You can be killed." I hug her.  

"I don't care, I want to save people from danger. If I die, I want to die knowing I saved people's lives and I followed my dad's footsteps." She smiles as I feel my vision becoming blurry. "Dad, are you crying?" She asks. "No! The invisible ninjas are chopping the invisible onions they have." I wipe my tears. 

"I've heard that excuse way to many times to believe it dad." She laughs.

-skipping to 12 years old-

I looked through my mail and I saw a letter from Onica.

Dear Derek, 

Long time no see. I hope you and my daughter are doing well. I let her go and it was a mistake so I will be taking her back no matter what you say. I'm still her mother. You can't do anything to stop me. I will raise her my own child from now on. I hope you understand. 

Love you a lot,


No. I don't understand if you couldn't deal with a baby crying then how could you take care of a tween who was going to be a teen later on? Either way, Onica, Just know I am Derek Morgan. I am an FBI agent. I can find you as simple as that. 

-skipping to 15 16 years old-

"I don't understand why you won't tell me who my mom is!" She screams and run upstairs slamming my bedroom door as loud as she could.

Oh you were a mistake and your mom abandoned you on my door step. She hates you and finds you really annoying. How could I say that or put it into a nicer way for Destiny?! She wouldn't understand she would just think of being a mistake. Which she wasn't being her dad was the most amazing thing that could've ever happen to me. I can't show her the notes she left me since that'll probably be even worse. I feel I'm at a dead end. I can't go do one thing, but I can't do the other. 

I walk upstairs knocking on Destiny's door hearing sobs. "Destiny please let in." I beg. She opens the door but doesn't look at me. "Destiny, you wouldn't understand. I'll tell you when I feel you are ready and when SHE is ready." I tell her. Destiny just nods her head frowning. 

"Promise?" She wipes her tears. "I promise." I hug her. 

-18  years old-

Destiny has been thinking of going to college really soon but she doesn't know which one to go to. She's been accepted to two schools she's been wanting to go to but, shes stuck on which one. 

Destiny's POV :OOOO 

I was driving to Starbucks meeting my friends Piper. But, when I arrived Piper said she wasn't gonna go since she felt sick. I just decided to get Starbucks. I felt I was being stared and I saw a woman was looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I walk to her table. "Destiny!" She hugged me. Wait what? "What's going on?" I ask. "You're my daughter, Destiny. You were taken away from me by Derek." She frowned. That's why he never told me... 

-an hour later-

"Bye mom!" I smiled and left driving home. "DAD!" I yelled. "Yeah?" He asked. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM MY MOM!" I screamed. "What? You saw her, is she with you?" His eyes widened. I shook my head. 

"Listen Destiny, I didn't want to tell you until you were 20 but, Onica abandoned you." He frowned. "Liar! She said you took me away from her and abandoned her." My face became red. 

"Ugh, come with me." He sighed and walked to get two pieces of papers. "Read them." He demanded me. 

I finished reading them and I was on the verge of having a mental break down. "I'm so sorry dad for blaming you." That's all I could say before walking upstairs and laying in my bed staring at the ceiling with my hands on my stomach.

HEY PEOPLE! This is Senpai here! silvermoon1233 ... I hope you enjoyed this chapter I wrote it all by myself. Wattpad was being stupid when I tried to add a photo of Destiny when she was little with the Paste URL thing and I couldn't save the draft. SOOO I rewrote this because I promised to update more and Ally wanted to rewrite SG again. It was on Quotev but something happened and we lost the story. I hope you enjoyed this story and yeah! <3 BAI

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