Waiting room

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Rachel's POV

I tap my foot repeatedly onto the blue carpet floor. It's been two days since Kyle got shot. No one know's about his health besides his aunt. Sadly, his aunt won't talk about Kyle's condition. Me, Piper, and Sam have been waiting in this room for 5 hours. Why? Well, his aunt told us to come since Kyle will be able to talk to us. 

"Rachel Lamontagne?" A woman came in with a clipboard. My head instantly looked up to the brunette woman with green eyes. "Please come with me." She stood away from the entry way to the hallway. I nodded, getting up, and walked into the hallway following her.

We walked down the hall into room 246. "Kyle's in here. He might be sleeping be quiet." I open the door peeking in and see Kyle smile. 

"Hey." His voice hoarse as I look at him. 

He had black eye bags under his eyes, pale skin, messy hair, eyes duller than usual, and a scruffy beard. He was skinnier then usual. 

"Hi." I took a seat next to his bed and heart monitor. 

"How's everyone doing?" Kyle asked staring at the ceiling. "Everyone is super worried and..." I scoff. "Your aunt won't tell us anything." He sighed, "I told them to tell you, and Piper." I shook my head, "They obviously didn't." 

We stayed in awkward silence. The awkward tension was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife. 

"I'm sorry about them though." He frowned. "It's okay we were just really worried about you." I put my two fingers onto my temple gently rubbing them. "We've all been stressed out." 


-Hours later-

Piper's POV

I was sitting in my Uber thinking about what Kyle said to the other girls who came. I wonder if it was more interesting than mine...


I walked into room 246 slowly as I watched Kyle smile, turning off the TV. 

"Hey," he paused. "Sit down." He pat the seat next to his bed and monitor. 

I didn't respond as I sat down to the sat he told me to sit in. "So, how have you been doing?" I asked. "You don't look so well." I laughed nervously as I bit my lip examining his busted lip. "Oh, um... I'm just really tired and stressed." He ran his fingers through his brown hair. "I'm pretty sure insurance is paying for the bills..." Kyle sighed.

He discussed his treatments and pills he's gone through proving it'll be expensive. He had pain killers, NSAIDS,(Nsaids helps decrease swelling, pain, and fever) and aspirin. (Other two are self explanatory.) He's had surgeries for his knee, ribs, and shoulders. He had get some blood from other donors. 

-20 minutes of boring explaining- 

"Yikes." I stopped biting my nails. I swear if I continued, I would have no more fingernails. 

"Yup." He popped the 'p'. "Just don't tell my aunt. She'll freak out and pay half the bills." He chuckled showing his barely noticeable wrinkles by his eyes. "So enough talking about me. How have you been doing?" He emphasized 'you'.

"Well, I've been thinking about you obviously. But, Kevin," He scoffed rolling his eyes when I mentioned HIS name. (Kevin is her dad btw. ~Senpai) "Anyway, Kevin, is trying to talk to me again but I keep ignoring him and he got mad so he pounded on my door. Kyle please don't-" Kyle cut me off. "DO I NEED TO GET DEREK?! I SWEAR I'LL KILL HIM!" He sat up from his bed with his jaw clenched, eyes darker than usual, and his fists cracking from how tight he was clenching his fists. 

My eyes widened and I shook my head. I've never seen Kyle like THIS before... He's usually calm and goofy not like this Kyle all serious and tense.  AND Derek would be much worse since he's close to Penelope. Penelope doesn't even know Kevin is doing this to me. They BOTH would kill me if they were to find out...

(THIS IS SENPAI IS DA HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! Okie I'll stahp... Anyway, I hope you <3 the chapter since there will be so much drama included you don't even know... :> You're welcome. I want these chapters to be drama packed but with cases though. ~Senpai)

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