The New Comers (CONTINUED!)

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Hey minna! I'm so sorry for the late update, for not adding the whole chapter. It was taking me awhile to finish it, but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer, so I only updated a part of it! Well here's the rest, and I will upload the next chapter as soon as possible, which hopefully will be in a few days. Well enjoy!!!


"Well then, I guess we should go and eat." I said, starting to walk in the direction Sherman told us to go into, to get to the restaurant.  "You were hungry, remember?" I smirked at Natsu. He started to say something, but gave up due to my look and followed after me.

As we rounded the corner of the block, I searched each side of the road for a sign of a food Establishment. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That old man must have been crazy. There is no place to eat on this block! Natsu must have been thinking of something (surprise, surprise), because he tapped me on the shoulder while rescanning each shop on the block.

"And where exactly is this food place he was talking about?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing." I scratched my neck, and walked forward. "Maybe it's hidden in a corner, or an alley way, or blocked by one of these bigger buildings." I say, stretching my neck to look around the buildings jutting out farther than the other ones, blocking my view. I sigh.

"Wait....WAIT!!" Natsu grabs my shoulder.

"What!?" I jerk my head back to look at him.

"I'm picking something up!" He says as he tilts his nose up and breaths in deeply. Oh, that's right, his dragon slayer powers have enhanced his senses, especially his nose for food. "This way!" He swiftly grabbed my hand, and ran forward.

"Do you have to run?" I say, barely keeping up to his fast pace.

"Well, duh! It's food were talking about." Natsu laughs, continuing to run, and continuing to hold my hand. Why am I enjoying him holding my hand? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS!? Jeez, I think there's something wrong with me.

All of a sudden Natsu stopped., which ended up with me, ramming into his back. That hurt. Damn his strong, hard back.

"Uhhhhh, sorry." I say quickly, not making eye contact. He looked at me quizzically but dismissed it with a shrug.

"Well, anyways...I FOUND FOOD!!" He said jumping in the air. Sure enough we were standing in front of a tiny restaurant that looked to be falling apart.

"So this is the only restaurant in this whole town?" I asked as I looked around.

"Well, ya. If they can't afford to add a reward to a request, I would guess they wouldn't be able to afford TWO restaurants." I rolled my eyes. He had a point. Maybe he can be smart. Sometimes. But I'm still not sure about the reward thing. "Anyways, STOP STALLING SO WE CAN GO EAT!" Natsu bolted into the pile of wood that they call a restaurant, of course not waiting for me. He definitely has his priorities in order. I sighed and followed after him. I walked into the doors and almost ran into Natsu, AGAIN! He was just standing there.

"Uh, Natsu?" I tapped his shoulder. No answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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