27: Heart of Darkness

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   There were so many differences between the Salvatore brothers, and one of them was the way they kissed. Damon was forceful, as if he wanted no one to see yet everyone to notice. Stefan, on the other hand... Stefan's kiss felt soft, gentle, yet filled with so many emotions that you couldn't help but kiss back. It was roughness and fireworks and a gentle caress all in one. When he kissed me, it was messy and complicated. It wasn't perfect, but it felt like electricity running through my veins. I had never felt so alive before. Yet, it felt strange, wrong, as if it wasn't supposed to happen. 

   In the morning, we didn't speak. Each time he was close to me, I pushed myself further. It came to  the point where I decided that it would be better to hang out with Damon than to be in the same room with Stefan. I helped Damon pack—I packed, he leaned back and watched in curiosity. He was leaving with Elena to go to Denver to pick up, or see, I wasn't sure, Jeremy Gilbert. Elena had Damon compel him into wanting to leave Mystic Falls, and he did, but he was now in danger because of Kol Mikaelson.

   "Would you like to tell me why are you packing for me?" Damon asked. 

   I stopped moving and looked up at him. "Wha-what are you talking about?" 

   "You're packing for me," he stated. "I mean, I don't mind but it's really confusing me." He stood from the bed and walked over to me, grabbing the shirt I had folded in my hands. "Did something happen?"

   I bit my bottom lip and looked down. "Uh, no," I answered, scratching the back of my head. "Nothing happened."

   "Liar," he said. "Clara, I've known you for a very long time. I know when you're lying, and you're clearly lying right now. So, tell me, what happened? Now that I think about it, you've been hanging around me too much. Did something happen with Stefan?"

   I quickly looked at the open door of his bedroom, knowing that Stefan may or may not be listening from downstairs. I quickly glanced at Damon and grabbed the shirt from his hand, shaking my head. "Can we not talk about this?"

   "Ooh, something did happen," he mused, smirking. "Think of me as Caroline; tell me what happened."

   "Nothing, okay?"

   "Did you two kiss?"

   I stayed quiet and continued to pack for him. It wasn't because he had asked me; trust me, he never did. I packed for him because I wanted to think of something else, something that wasn't Stefan's kiss. Although it was still in my mind, packing was a short distraction that would soon be over the moment I finished. 

   "You did kiss him," Damon laughed. "Oh, wow, I—wow! I was not expecting this to happen."

   "Yeah, well, neither did I," I muttered as I closed his luggage. "You know, since I can't exactly see into the future."

   He took a seat by the luggage and sarcastically smiled up at me. "How was it?"

   "I am not telling you how it felt to kiss your brother," I said, rolling my eyes.

   "You think it's going to break my heart?" He pursed his lips, sarcastically, as if he were making fun of me. 

   I crossed my arms and looked at him, sucking the inside of my lip as I tried not to lash out in the anger he brought out in me. "No, it's not going to break your heart, Damon, because you and I are no longer a thing. I'm not telling you because even I don't know how I feel about it. And, it's seriously weird talking to you about this. For God's sake, we were engaged!" I crossed my arms and let out a short laugh. "It's weird, because I never imagined my life without you in it."

   "I'm still here," he answered, almost like a whisper. "I'm still part of your life, Clara."

   "Well, in my head, it was different," I said. "We were married, we were happy, we had kids. But, I think back to it, and it all looks different. I no longer see us married."

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