Chapter 1

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"I seriously don't have time for this... this... whatever the hell we're doing here," Camila muttered and glared out of the van's window. "I'm not an outdoor person and I don't want to spend my precious free time with bugs!"

"Stop the whining, Mila!" Dinah reprimanded her from the passenger seat, before she pointed to the right. "You need to take that turn, Lauren, we're almost there!"

"I don't understand why we're doing this! I have a performance with Shawn tomorrow and –"

"Shut your mouth," Normani hissed from the other side. "No one forced you to write that stupid song with Shawn Mendes! It's your own fault!"

"It wasn't intentional!" Camila shot back. "Like I said again and again, I didn't know they would actually release it!"

"And yet you didn't even think before agreeing to it!" Normani threw her hands up. "You didn't even think one second what that could mean for the group! For our career, our future! This is not just you, Camila, this – this solo project is affecting all of us!"

"It's not even affecting the group! I do everything in my own free time and never, not once even missed some stupid dance rehearsal or a dumb recording session where half of our group doesn't even get to sing anyway!"

"Guys," Lauren warned from the driver's seat. "Drop it."

"It's always Shawn this and Shawn that... honestly, Camila, try and be a little less pathetic about your crush, it's embarrassing for all parties involved. It already didn't work out with Austin and look what it did –"

"Don't you dare bringing Austin into this." Camila glared at Normani who shrugged and crossed her arms. "Shawn and I are just friends. And in the past few months he's been a better friend than –"

"Oh for fuck's sake! DROP IT ALREADY!" Lauren shouted and the rest of the girls flinched. "Seriously, just... just shut up. I swear to God, I will kill you if I hear another word from either of you, comprende?!"

"OOH GUYS!" Dinah bounced in her seat and pointed through the windshield, completely ignoring the growing tension in the car. "WE'RE HERE! ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?"

"Where is 'here'?" Camila muttered with a furrowed brow. Outside the car was nothing but trees and a small wooden table that had two large packages on it. "This is... nothing. We're in the middle of nowhere."

"DJ, do you remember when I found out that I didn't like the woods?" Ally asked from the last row. "I sure hope that there's a cabin hidden somewhere..."

"And I sure hope that we are not doing what I think we are," Normani added with a horrified expression as Lauren parked the car near the table.

"This is going to be awesome, guys!"

Dinah jumped out, beckoning the others to do the same. Which they hesitantly did. After some grumbling and cursing, the four finally stood with various gaps between them in front of Dinah.

"I know we had a rough few months and a lot of drama... sooo, I came up with an idea. I think we all kind of lost sight of what's really important. It's been over three years and somewhere along the way we became... we became business partners –"

"But we are business partners," Lauren interrupted her quietly.

"Shut up, Lauser. Anyway, like I said, we became business partners and... and we forgot how to be sisters. Remember our time on X Factor? Our mall tours? Yes, it was hard work, but it was fun! We loved it, we were living our dream! When did it become work?"

Dinah looked sadly at the four girls who she had once called her sisters in all but blood.

"This stops here," she said resolutely. "I am not going to watch us breaking up. We are Fifth Harmony. Not Fourth Harmony. Fifth. I am not going to let the music industry and all it contains come between us. We are not leaving here until our relationship is fixed, got it? I already told management and our label, they're all for it."

"Aww, Dinah..." Ally frowned in sympathy while the other three awkwardly shuffled their feet. "This is sweet, but... I don't think..."

"Oh no, don't say it won't work," Dinah waved off. "We're starting fresh, just like we had to do after getting eliminated as solo artists. We had to get our crap together and we did. This is exactly the same."

"What even is this?" Camila asked nervously and glanced around. "What's your plan anyway?"

Dinah walked grinning over to the table and the packages. "In here is everything we need for the next couple of days... or weeks. A tent, five sleeping bags, food, all the good stuff. This is why I told you to only fill half of your backpacks and to pack lightly 'cause it's a long walk to our campsite."

The girls stared at the youngest group member in different stages of shock, but Dinah only opened her arms as a bright smile graced her lips. .

"Welcome to Camp Hansen!"


A/N: This is based on something I saw on twitter. It was about sending the girls to a boot camp to rediscover themselves and stuff, like that one in Pitch Perfect 2. I thought the idea was funny and got inspired. Just a little something I write for myself, but you're welcome to read it, haha.

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